The Role of the Governing Body
For information reating to the all the governors from our hub, please see the register of interests below.
Tim Carson - Safeguarding Governor and Chair of Governors
I have been a parent governor since February 2014 and became a Chair of Governors in September 2016. As well as chairing meetings of the Local Governing Body, I attend meetings with Chairs of other Local Governing Bodies of schools within Bridge Schools Multi Academy Trust, and I try to get into school as often as possible to speak to staff and children. I am happy to speak to parents and carers about any issues, and you can email me at
As well as my role as Chair, I am the named governor for safeguarding
Helen Casson - SEN Governor
After graduating from the University of East Anglia in PsychoSocial studies, I went on to complete my PGCE at Sheffield Hallam University. I then taught in Sheffield for a few years before moving to an inner London school as Assistant Headteacher, leading on student and staff wellbeing. After a move to Cornwall in 2011, I became Deputy Headteacher at Looe Community Academy until I moved to lead the Community Hospital Education Service in Cornwall. I now work as Executive Principal for Medical provision across Devon and Cornwall, where I work to ensure the most vulnerable young people receive the education they are entitled to.
I am trained SENCo, a Designated Safeguarding Lead and a Thrive practitioner and am passionate about ensuring the needs of all young people are met. I am delighted to be able to use my experience both within mainstream education and alternative provision to help support and challenge the local primary schools. Outside of school I enjoy exploring Cornwall in our rusty VW camper and bright orange beetle!
Verity Shaw
Janine Waring - Headteacher Looe Academy
I graduated with a BA (Hons) in Sports Studies in 1986 and went on to complete a Secondary PGCE in PE and History in 1988. I taught in a large challenging city school in Milton Keynes for 13 years, moving in to Senior Leadership as the Pastoral Lead of a large team, taking a keen interest in behaviour and the social and emotional development of young people to help them to succeed in all areas. With a key role for transition, I moved in to senior leadership in Bedfordshire in 2001 and took up my first headship of a large middle school in 2007. During this time, I became very involved in policy and practice and the beginning of Academy Trusts. As a result, I moved to Devon in 2013 as the CEO of a growing multi-academy trust which I grew from 2 to 14 schools. My passion for leadership and direct responsibility for the progress and achievement of children led me back in to headship at Looe Primary Academy in November 2017. I have a strong belief in values and a broad balanced and rounded education for our pupils; I strive through effective leadership to provide excellent teaching and learning for all pupils while at the same time helping them to be well-rounded citizens for the future. Looe Primary Academy is a wonderful school to lead.
The governing body has a crucial role to play in the life of our school and the effectiveness of governors in carrying out their responsibilities is a central part of the overall effectiveness of the leadership and management of the school.
Their key role is to oversee the strategic development of our academy. This involves monitoring and evaluating the school’s effectiveness, and offering support and challenge. As well as providing this through LGB meetings, monitoring is a key aspect to their work.
The following monitoring visits have taken place over the last year:
- Safeguarding (SCR, S157, online safety)
- Data and standards
- Pupil Premium
- Sports Premium
- Wider curriculum
- Behaviour
- Attendance (including suspensions/exclusions)
- Phonics/early reading
- Website compliance
- Stakeholder feedback
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We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.
We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.
We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.
We are passionate about learning.
We are the best we can be.
We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.
© 2025 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.