Head's Blog

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School Closure 

We hope you are having fun

It is never an easy decision to close the school and now that the ice and snow is melting, yesterday seems like a long time ago.  After a two day Ofsted inspection, it was a shame to have to close as we were looking forward to a few quieter days with the children.  I am pleased that everyone got home safely in the end, even though it took some quite a long time! We look forward to the day that we receive our report and to be able to share the outcome with you; we expect this to be in approximately 3 weeks.  Have a lovely, warm, safe, fun time everyone and I hope very much that we can open our doors again on Monday to welcome you all back after an unexpected long weekend.  


Welcome back 

We have been very busy since the beginning of term …

It was lovely to see everyone looking so rested and happy as we came back to school. The teachers and lots of TAs spent a very productive training day looking at our teaching pratcice to make sure that it is as effective as possible and then it was back to all of those wonderful things that we get up to day by day. Years 3 and 4 have had trips to Plaidy beach this week to start their new writing projects; they found treasure maps and even gold coins! The Early Years and Year 1 chidren also went to the theatre this week to watch The Gingerbread Man. They were so excited to go on an adventure and they were so well behaved; I am very proud of them. I even found some ingredients placed all over the school for them to find – I think there might be some gingerbread characters being made next week! Now that our website is very close to complete look out for more and more blogs, including class blogs soon too.


Welcome to the Head's Blog - Janine Waring 

Please visit the Head's Blog regularly for news, information and communications from Looe Primary Academy.

We value your views about Looe Primary Academy - please visit our 'Parent View' page and give us your feedback.

Celebrating Christmas Time at St Martin's Church

On Monday 9th December the children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 performed at the local church for their parents. They put together a wonderful performance which made everyone feel very festive. With the help of Mrs Butlin some of the children even sang and played the ukulele. Thank you to Vicar Ben Morgan Lundie for making us all so welcome.

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Happy Christmas - what a term it has been! 

It is lovely to be able to sit quietly to reflect now that all pupils and staff have left for the Christmas break. What an amazing term we have had. Teaching and learning has gone from strength to strength and our efforts to be more involved in our local community have seen many wonderful people walk through our doors to share their skills and experiences with the pupils.

Not only that, we have been out and about too, with our Looe Gaol and Museum experiences, singing at the Lifeboat Station, trips to the Sardine Factory and Bodmin Military Museum and not forgetting the large number of children and staff involved in the Remembrance Day commemorations.

All that is left is to wish you all a peaceful and joyous Christmas and to say 'thank you' for your continued support of our school. School opens for the Spring Term on Tuesday 8th January. Happy Christmas everyone.


Christmas is coming! 

‘Cockadoodle Doo’ – ‘Is there a baby in there?’ said the cockerel. Well, for most of the performance there wasn’t a baby in there and even when the baby arrived the Early Years children were still adamant that there wasn’t a baby in there, causing much laughter in the audience! We have begun celebrating Christmas in style with the wonderful EYFS and Year 1 Christmas performances on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning.

We then have the Years 2, 3 and 4 pupils performing all sorts of things ‘Christmas’ at the Looe Lifeboat Station on Thursday evening from 5.00pm to 6.00pm, all rounded off by a Carol Concert for Years 5 and 6 with Reverend Philip Sharp at St. Martin’s Church on Monday 17th December from 6.00pm – 7.00pm.

We hope that you all enjoy the festivities as much as the children and staff have enjoyed rehearsing them.


The Mousehole Cat 

Well - didn’t we have a wonderful time today! Along with Polperro, Pelynt, Duloe, Trenode and Polruan pupils, our Year 2, 3 and 4 pupils, we had the privilege to watch a professional performance of ‘The Mousehole Cat’ by the theatre company ‘Cousin Jacks. We were also welcomed to this performance by Looe Community Academy, so it felt very special and it was lovely that so many schools from the local area could come together; thank you to Looe Community Academy for enabling us to create this experience.

We were also very lucky, because this performance does not often leave Mousehole; it is a traditional local performance of words, drama and Cornish music. The production was ‘in the round’ so the children sat all round the stage and it gave them a very close up feel of the actors and especially of the puppet cat, ‘Mowser’. Mowser was amazing and it was hard to remember that she was a puppet and not real.

The children were mesmerised and they will now carry on to study the story further and create their own writing, art and music as a result. You might even spot one of the songs at the Christmas Performance at the Lifeboat Station on Thursday 13th December. We will certainly be inviting Cousin Jacks back for a future performance!


Years 5 & 6 take over Looe Gaol and Museum 

Last week, the whole school project on World War 1 started to come to an end. Some of the Year 5 and 6 learning included a visit to Looe Gaol and Museum as part of the national museum take over project.

Children went down in groups to share their work with family and members of the public after being helped to get ready by the curator of the museum, Petra. Some of the work included amazing show box trenches designed and built by the pupils and their parents and carers as a home learning project. See below.

All of the sessions were fantastic and the national organiser of the project, visiting the museum on one of the days, said that our pupils were the most engaged, interesting and well informed pupils that she had met on her national travels.

We have also received a lovely letter in to school from a member of the public sharing his delight at meeting the pupils, although he is concerned because his wife was sent to Australia by a judge; she had stolen a loaf of bread and he is still awaiting her return! We really enjoy opportunities to get out of the school environment and to be part of our local community, so we would like to say a huge thank you to Looe Gaol and Museum staff for inviting us.


School lockdown procedure 

You may have become aware that in the last few days we have been talking to and teaching the children about a ‘lockdown’ procedure for safety. This is where a situation may arise that requires us to lock down the building as opposed to carrying out an evacuation for a fire etc. We are required to establish and practice this procedure and as it is new for most children, we need to make sure that they fully understand what is happening and why.

Lockdowns happen when there is an event taking place outside that we cannot control immediately. This may include extreme and adverse weather conditions, a loose animal such as a dog that we cannot control, or who is aggressive and unfortunately this may also be required if we have intruders on site or if we have received information that leads us to believe that the children and staff are at risk. As this is a new procedure, we have talked to the children and given them opportunities to discuss their worries.

All schools have a lockdown policy and procedure. In many ways, this is a safer procedure than evacuation, but we have talked as staff about the need to manage the anxiety of children in these circumstances, even as we practice. You will receive a letter today with more information, but I would like to reassure you that it was always our intention to share this with you, to enable you to talk to your children at home if necessary.

We will have a full practice in the very near future, once we are confident that the children are ready. On this occasion, they will know that the practice is taking place. Once you have read the letter, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me if you have any further concerns. The letter will be sent home as a paper copy on this occasion and will also be available in the letter section of this website.



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