Some of this week’s learning in Foundation class:
The foundation children have worked so hard this week, and
we have seen some lovely wow moments!
In English we have started to explore poems, and we have
started with the poem The Owl and the Pussy Cat. The children have been
learning a part of the poem and have started role playing and thinking of
actions to help them learn it. They have been exploring rhyming words that they
can hear in the poem.
In Phonics we have learnt to recognize, read and write
letters h/b/f and l. Each day in phonics the children practice their oral
blending skills to read words and this week they have amazed the adults at how
well they are beginning to read words that include the phonemes they know!
The children have also been practicing their name writing, using
mirrors to explore their faces and then draw self-portraits, decorating handprints
with the things they love the most, they have been exploring autumnal natural
resources in the playground and so much more!
The children continue to progress so well and have
progressed so much already!
Have a lovely weekend
The Foundation Team
The celebration went so well and Foundations effort to make stones for the stall and decorate the pirate tombola was appreciated by everyone that had a go!
We made lots of money for our school equipment and so much fun was had by all!
Well done Foundation and well done Looe Primary!
We love our school!
What a busty week we have had!
We have been making and preparing for our Looe Primary 40th
Birthday celebration today and the children have worked so hard! On our stall
we will have all that they have made to sell. We will upload pictures on Monday for you
to see, after the event!
The children have been exploring and learning so much this
In phonics the children have learnt the diagraph (two letters,
one sound) CK and the sounds e/u/ and r. They have been amazing in phonics, and
we are really beginning to see progress with their oral blending to read small
The children have also been using water colours to paint,
sorting monsters into different groups, using their funky fingers to cut out
pictures to make a picture of all the things they like and using felt tips to
decorate a person.
In English the children have been trying to perfect their
tripod grip when holding a pencil. The children drew a picture of their
favourite part of the story We’re Going on a Bear Hunt. The children are progressing
well with the tripod grip and once they have mastered this their writing and
drawing skills will be even more amazing!
On COOL time ( Choose Our Own Learning) the children have
chosen the marble run a lot and it has been amazing to see and hear them
working together to make a marble run, we have heard so much wonderful vocabulary
from the children to solve problems! They were so impressed and happy when the
marble reached the bottom!
On Thursday we were lucky to have a visit form Pop Up Play.
The children loved exploring the toys and resources. There was a vets, hospital,
baby nursery, supermarket, fire and police station and a construction site! Miss
Hughes and Janet seemed to be WANTED a lot and ended up in the police van!!!!
It was a wonderful morning!
We have explored so much more this week and it’s been a
wonderful week
We look forward to seeing you all later at the celebration!
Have a lovely weekend
The Foundation Team
The children have had yet another impressive week of
exploring and learning in Foundation.
In phonics this week the children have been learning g/o/c/k
– They have been working really hard to orally blend sounds that they know to
read words, and they are progressing well. Lots of writing practice would be
great to progress them even further- the phonics sheets have been sent home for
you to follow.
Foundation children have continued with their big question-
Who Am I?
This week the children made people using natural resources
with Mrs Gregory in outdoor learning. The children are becoming great at
following instructions when walking around the school and in the forest area. They
have been exploring some wonderful adjectives to describe the materials they
are using.
In English the children have been sequencing the story of
Were Going on a Bear Hunt and saying words from the story and writing the
initial graphemes they know! The adults are VERY impressed!
The children have also been exploring capacity, mass and
patterns in math’s this week and the children loved being human weighing
scales. They have been identifying patterns and making patterns of their own
using the peg boards.
Foundation have also been preparing items to sell at the 40th
birthday celebration, they are wonderful so please come and see our stall and
purchase some of their creative work. We will also have a pirate chocolate tombola
and pirate cupcakes!
The children have explored and chosen so much wonderful
learning activities this week!
Have a lovely weekend
The Foundation Team
Wow! What another wonderful week of learning we have had!
This week the children have learnt the sounds i/n/m/and d/
in phonics and have worked hard to continue holding their pencils correctly and
write these letters daily.
We completed dough disco daily too as this helps strengthen
the children’s hands so they can grip their pencils correctly.
This week the children worked in teams with Mrs Gregory and
Mrs Lyden and sequenced the story of Were Going on a Bear Hunt! The children
then started their first bit of formal English activity and sat with an adult
to sequence the story themselves, they then thought of words to match the story
and tried to write the initial sounds of that word! WOW!
In maths this week the children have been exploring the
topic of Match, Sort and Compare! They have worked amazingly well at matching
objects, sorting them and comparing them with lots of different resources. We
even went out to the big playground and sorted items in big circles!
The foundation children have also used their cutting skills
to cut parts of a bear out to make the Bear from our book, they have been
making their homes from Lego, using natural resources to make faces, read
books, made tracks for the bikes and so much more!
It's been a wonderful week of exploring and learning!
Have a lovely weekend
The Foundation Team
We have reached the end of our first full week in school,
and it has been a very busy one! The children are all tired, but because they
have had so much fun exploring!
Some of this weeks learning has included:
Learning phonemes s/a/t/and p. We have also practiced holding
our pencils with a tripod grip and learning to write these sounds! All the
children have worked so hard! The phonics sheets have been sent home via email today!
We have been making our hands and fingers strong by
completing doh disco activities, threading, making small peg patterns and using
scissors to make wonderful creations!
This week the children started to explore the story Were
Goin on a Bear Hunt. They listened to the story and recited the tory so well. They
went on a bear hunt around our outside
area using lost of different words. We then learnt the story using a story map
and made-up actions to imbed our knowledge of the story. Next week we explore
sequencing a story.
In maths this week we have been exploring counting to 5. The
children have been helping ‘Bruno’ our puppet to count, match and make numbers
to 5!
We have also made ourselves from playdough, explored
building blocks and Lego, made sandcastles, practiced our name writing, riding
the balance bikes and SO MUCH MORE!
We really have had the best week.
Have a lovely weekend
The Foundation Team
We have had the best first few days starting Foundation!
We are so proud of how well the children have settled into their new class and routines!
The children have had so much fun the last few days getting to know each other and the adults in their class!
They have been exploring their environment and all the activities that have been available to them!
Next week we will have so much amazing fun learning so please check back every Friday and see what we have been up to!
We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.
We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.
We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.
We are passionate about learning.
We are the best we can be.
We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.
© 2025 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.