Here is our curriculum map for this half term. The wider curriculum is all subjects except English and Maths. We use the National Curriculum for our teaching decisions and this is based on the knowledge that we want children to gain. We hope that you find these maps helpful and when we start a new one, we will send it to you. It would be great if you could talk to your child about what they are learning from time to time and now you know what they are learning. There is a question that guides the work and we make sure that they get a good share of all subjects over the year, so some boxes may have less in them for one term or half term than other subjects.
We will have two curriculum maps in Foundation / Year 1. Our first big question will be 'what can I explore today?' for Spring Term 1, and our second big question will be 'who made these footprints?' These questions will guide our learning each half term.
Also attached is our Key Instant Recall Facts for this term for Foundation and for Year 1.
Image Gallery
For the first time this year we are able to share with you the curriculum map that we use to plan the wider curriculum content and learning for each half term. The wider curriculum is all subjects except English and maths. We use the National Curriculum for our teaching decisions and this is based on the knowledge that we want children to gain. We hope that you find these maps helpful and when we start a new one, we will send it to you. It would be great if you could talk to your child about what they are learning from time to time and now you know what they are learning. There is a question that guides the work and we make sure that they get a good share of all subjects over the year, so some boxes may have less in them for one term or half term than other subjects.
We will have two curriculum maps in Foundation / Year 1. Our first big question will be Who am I? For Autumn Term 1, and our second big question will be What can I play with today? These questions will guide our learning each half term.
You will receive a class blog at least once per week now, so please help us by updating your permissions on Arbor so that we can blog pictures of your child and share their learning with you more.
If you have any questions about the curriculum map, please let me know and I will help as much as possible.
In maths we are also introducing some new language in maths called KIRFS. This stands for Key Instant Recall Facts. These are being introduced to the children and Mrs Davies, our maths lead will email a letter home by the end of the week to explain a little more and to suggest how you can help at home.
Image Gallery
We have had a great week in Foundation / Year 1.
We were very lucky to have Eva come and talk to us all about Chinese New Year. We listened to songs and learnt about traditions and Chinese food. We then made lanterns out of card and paper. We loved making the lanterns so much we made them all week! As it is the year of the snake, we made snake puppets, coloured in pictures and used our cutting skills to cut out a snake. We learnt lots and felt very lucky to have such a special visitor!
In our learning, we have been focusing more on minibeasts this week. Outside, Foundation labelled different minibeasts and talked about how they are similar and different. We have been learning about growing plants too, and what we need to grow a plant. Foundation have also been writing initial sounds using their phonics that are focused around our gardening story Christopher Nibble. Year 1 have begun planning their own gardening stories and will begin writing these next week.
We have had another wonderful week and I cannot believe we only have one week of half term left. This half term is really flying by!
Foundation / Year 1 Team
This week, we have focused our big question ‘What can I explore today?’ on exploring minibeasts and things that grow.
In English we have started a new learning journey focusing on the gardening story ‘Christopher Nibble.’ The Year 1 will be writing their own stories at the end of the journey and Foundation will be focusing on writing CVC words and captions.
We have also had an assembly this week all about climate change and what we can do to help the Earth. This has linked in well with our growing plants conversation and we have talked about eating a little bit less meat, and growing our own plants. We have even started this with carrots this week!
We have been exploring vegetables and minibeasts this week too. We have used our funky fingers to create minibeast pictures, we have matched the vegetables to their names in a garden patch puzzle and lots of other activities. The children have been brilliant at discussing what they know already, and what they would like to learn.
In Maths, Year 1 have begun exploring numbers up to 20. We have been practising counting forwards and backwards as well as where the numbers belong on a number line.
Foundation have been exploring the numbers 6,7 and 8. They have been identifying these numbers but also identifying numbers that are not 6, 7 or 8.
It has been another great week. Well done Foundation and Year 1.
Foundation/ Year 1 Team
We were very lucky to have the Royal Cornwall Workshops this week. We learnt all about seafood and where it comes from. We then explored lots of activities all about farming and how to use the land. We filled in puzzles, dressed up as farmyard animals, looked at the life cycle of a flower, talked about healthy eating and lots more! We had so much fun.
In our learning, we have continued finding out about Emperor Penguins. Foundation have been exploring penguins in their choosing time. They have labelled penguins, talked about where they live and made penguins on our playground out of chalk! Year 1 have started writing their non-chronological reports about Emperor penguins. We have gathered our facts together and now we have started writing our sentences. We are going to share our information with Foundation at the end of the week.
In Computing, we have been learning more about algorithms. We were talking about bugs in algorithms this week and how with a bug, our algorithm won’t work properly! We have explored this through a dice game making monsters and seeing what happens when we roll the same number. Lots of our monsters ended up with two heads or four arms! We then talked about the importance of getting our algorithms right.
Well done Foundation / Year 1, another great week!
Foundation / Year 1 Team
Happy New Year! We have had a great start back to school in Foundation/Year 1.
We are focusing on the big question ‘what can I explore today?’ in our curriculum this half term. We have begun our Geography lessons working as explorers and geographers to find human and physical features in our local environment.
We have also started our new English Learning Journey focusing on the book ‘The Emperor’s Egg’ by Martin Jenkins. The children have really enjoyed learning facts about the Emperor Penguins. Our favourite fact is that the Daddy penguin has to look after the egg and keep it warm for two whole months before it hatches! We all agree that this would be a tricky job. We have been developing our English skills by sequencing the story, role playing as penguins and Year 1 have even begun to write a recount of how a baby penguin is born.
In Maths for Year 1, our focus is shape. We have been exploring 2D and 3D shapes and sorting them based on their properties. We have also been making our own 3D shapes using stickle bricks and making 2D shapes using peg boards.
Foundation have been focusing on representing 1,2,3,4 and 5! They have been using five frames to find the numbers and also been practising their number formation.
We are set for a very good term. Well done for a great start Foundation and Year 1.
Foundation/ Year 1 Team
The end of term and Happy Christmas!
The children have been absolutely amazing this term and have worked so hard.
We have had special visitors in our class this December! We found the elves under the tree at the start of December and they have been up to mischief ever since! We have had to keep a close eye on those cheeky elves, and the children have definitely been keeping them in check!
We have also had our Christmas performances. Foundation were absolutely brilliant in their first Nativity. They sang beautifully and the performance was wonderful. Year 1 performed in our Christmas play ‘The Fleece Force.’ They worked really hard to remember all the songs and the play was brilliant. Thank you all for coming along and supporting.
We have done some lovely Christmas activities to end the term, including our Christmas crafternoon! We have also been making Nativity stick puppets, decorating Christmas trees, using our cutting skills to decorate baubles and many more!
Thank you for all your support.
I hope the children have a very well deserved break. Happy Christmas and I look forward to seeing you all in the New Year!
Foundation / Year 1 Team
We haven’t let the storm stop us this week. We finished our learning journey in English through toasting marshmallows. Our learning journey was all based around following instructions. Year 1 learnt about time conjunctions and imperative (bossy!) verbs, whilst Foundation sequenced different sets of instructions and used their phonics sounds to read bossy verbs. We then wrote our instructions to toast marshmallows and had so much fun following them outside. Mr Liddiment lit the fire and the children told each other the instructions. They were very tasty!
Year 1 have also been writing some fantastic number sentences in Maths. We have been using part-whole models to add together, and to take away. Year 1 have worked really hard to get the right numbers in the sentence and remember their + sign and their = sign!
Foundation have been recognising the numbers 4 and 5 this week. They had two different coloured hoops on the floor with the numbers 4 and 5 in them and they had to recognise these numbers on different pictures and sort them into the correct hoops. They have also been testing each other on recognising the number super quick when someone holds it up!
We have been having lots of fun outside this week. We have used our building blocks to build a town. The children told me that they had built Looe! We have also been using peg boards and other resources to make our favourite toys.
Well done Foundation / Year 1. What a lovely week.
Foundation / Year 1 Team
We have had another lovely week in Foundation / Year 1.
In English we have been learning about the features of instructions and what we need to write them. We have written instructions as a whole class for making edible chocolate sparklers and we have now written our instructions for toasting marshmallows! The children have really impressed me with their understanding of imperative verbs and time conjunctions. Year 1 have also written brilliant sentences. We were so proud we showed them to our Deputy Head Mrs Marshall!
In History, we have continued our learning on toys from the past and present. We brought in our favourite toy and discussed why it was our favourite. We then had Miss Hughes come in and talk about her favourite childhood toy. We compared how our toys were different to our adults.
In Maths Foundation have been subitising numbers 1, 2 and 3. They are recognising numbers without having to count! We have been playing lots of different games to practise this. Year 1 have been solving addition problems. They have really shown how determined they are with their problem solving skills; what super stars!
We have also been exploring our big question ‘What can I play with today?’ through building our favourite toys with lego. We have been building boats, action people and lots of different things to explore our favourite toys.
We also haven’t let the rain stop us this week! We have been out exploring and using brilliant vocabulary to discuss the weather. We may have got a little muddy too with all the fun we were having!
Well done Foundation/Year 1, another brilliant week.
Foundation / Year 1 Team
We have had a brilliant week of learning in Foundation / Year 1.
On Monday, we learnt all about Remembrance Day and what it means. We talked about the importance of the poppy and how it is an important symbol to remember those that have fought for us. We made our own poppies in different ways and made a poppy wreath to display in our classroom.
We also had a day focused on Diwali this week. We discussed how it is ‘the festival of lights’ and different ways it is celebrated. We explored Diwali through making Mendhi patterns, recreating Rangoli patterns with coloured rice and making Diva lamps. The children worked really hard on creating beautiful artwork.
Year 1 have started their Science unit all about animals. We have been exploring this through grouping animals into fish, birds, amphibians, reptiles and mammals. We are learning a song to help us remember the animal classifications!
Next week, we will also start rehearsals for our Christmas Play! There will be more information about this soon but we will start learning the songs in class. Foundation have already began practising their songs for their Christmas performance. I have no doubt the children will be amazing.
Parent Partnership meetings are taking place next week. These will be on Tuesday and Wednesday. If you haven’t made an appointment yet the booking are available on the window at drop off.
Thank you!
Foundation / Year 1 Team
We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.
We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.
We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.
We are passionate about learning.
We are the best we can be.
We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.
© 2025 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.