Dear all!
We have had another busy week! In maths, the children are still learning about addition and subtraction - please do not forget to check the assignments set on mathletics!
In English, we are doing poetry based on "The Winters Child" story. It will be an acrostic poem and the children will read their poems to each other at the end of the week.
Both Year groups have now been to Morewellham Quay for their school trip. It was amazing! The children dressed up in Victorian Clothes and then went to Victorian School where the teacher was very strict! They had to use slate and practise their handwriting! Then the children went on the mine train and had lots of fun!
We are beginning to practise the Christmas performances so please help your child to practise their lines when you receive them!
Thank you!
For the first time this year we are able to share with you the curriculum map that we use to plan the wider curriculum content and learning for each half term. The wider curriculum is all subjects except English and maths. We use the National Curriculum for our teaching decisions and this is based on the knowledge that we want children to gain. We hope that you find these maps helpful and when we start a new one, we will send it to you. It would be great if you could talk to your child about what they are learning from time to time and now you know what they are learning. There is a question that guides the work and we make sure that they get a good share of all subjects over the year, so some boxes may have less in them for one term or half term than other subjects.
In maths we are also introducing some new language in maths called KIRFS. This stands for Key Instant Recall Facts. These are being introduced to the children and Mrs Davies, our maths lead will email a letter home by the end of the week to explain a little more and to suggest how you can help at home.
You will receive a class blog at least once per week now, so please help us by updating your permissions on Arbor so that we can blog pictures of your child and share their learning with you more.
If you have any questions about the curriculum map, please let me know and I will help as much as possible.
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Dear all
I hope that you have had a lovely half term week and have enjoyed some fireworks!!
We have been incredibly busy in school for this last week! Last week, we had an amazing re-enactment of the Crimean War battle and the children had lots of fun! Firstly, they went onto the playground and did the battle and then the amazing nurses helped the injured into the hall where they were treated for all of their injuries! The children learned many things from this experience and talked about it endlessly!
This week is Anti-Bullying week and also on Wednesday is world kindness day. The children will be completing some activities during our PSHE lessons to understand how important these two areas are!
In maths, we are still on addition and subtraction. There are many assignments on Mathletics for the children to complete so please feel free to do this at home. Also, there are not many entries in children's Reading logs at the moment so please make sure you write in them to enable your child's book to be changed weekly. If there is no evidence of reading at home then unfortunately the book will not be changed! Also, your child needs to read the phonics minibooks weekly too - please do not forget to return them.
The children are learning about continents in geography at the moment and are producing some amazing work! They will show off their work at the parents consultations in a few weeks time.
We have been so busy this last week with many lovely things! But last Friday was the best. Even though it was raining, we enjoyed a long time in our Forest School area. We had a really good play and toasted marshmallows!
We had a lovely time :)
Wow what a week so far! We hope that you enjoyed the party last Friday! Our class stall went well and so many children were enjoying our tattoos!
We have had a very busy week already! On Monday, we had a guest speaker Ms Clifton. She came in to talk to the children about when she was at school and also when her grandmother was at school during Victorian Times! The children learned many different things including that there were no carpets - just wooden floors in school. They were shocked at this and said it must have been so uncomfortable!
Today, they also had a "visit" from "Florence Nightingale". They asked so many questions such as "What school did you go to?", "What did you do for work?" and "When were you born?". They were so shocked again that Florence did not know what electricity was! And tried to explain to her what a Playstation was!
In maths, we are coming to the end of our place value unit and will begin addition and subtraction next week. Please do not forget that assignments are set on mathletics every week. The children's logins are in the front of their reading records.
The children had the last of their science lessons for this half term today. The Year Two children completed a wonderful experiment about hygiene and the Year Three children made a working arm to show how the biceps and triceps work!
The children also have their last French lesson for this half term tomorrow. They will be learning the names of the colours. It has been lovely to hear the children using their french language knowledge in the playground too! I hope that they have been practising at home!
We are so looking forward to seeing you on Friday! The children and staff are looking forward to a great celebration with so many exciting things to do and see!
We had our Road Safety Roadshow come into school today! The children were taught a song that said "Stop, Look and Listen". The session was highly engaging and the children learned many things about Road Safety.
Please can you continue these conversations about Road Safety to keep our children safe :)
We have had another lovely week! In English, the children wrote a letter to Grandma from the Wolf, apologising for all of the crimes that he had committed!!
In maths, we are on our last leg of the place value unit and learning the number line to 100 (YR2) and the number line to 1000 (YR3).
For science, Year 3 pupils learned about Endoskeletons and Exoskeletons and which animals have no skeleton at all! They sorted them into groups!
For Art, the children have been learning all about the famous artist Jasper Johns and recreated his art piece "Numbers in Color" which was painted in 1958! They really enjoyed this today!
For History, the children learned all about a Victorian classroom and made comparisons to our classroom now. They will be going back in time and writing a letter to a Victorian child to tell them all of the things that will change in the future!
This week we have been continuing our place value unit in maths by partitioning numbers into 100's, 10's and 1's. We really enjoyed using the base ten practical resources to help us with our learning!
We are continuing our English unit "Little Red Riding Hood" and made a WANTED poster which offers a high reward if you find the wolf! Have you seen him?
The children were very excited to begin their French lessons too. They learned all about France and the countries that also speak French! They learned about the Eiffel Tower too!
In art, the children learned that the primary colours are yellow, red and blue and that secondary colours can be mixed using them. We had a practise mixing in our books - look how we did!
In science, Year Two sorted statements into "want" and "need (shown) and Year Three read food labels on the back of food to note whether they are healthy choices or not! They also suggested alternatives that we could eat instead!
Dear all!
We have had a wonderful week! We launched our first history lesson yesterday which included looking at school buildings from the past and present and we ordered them into a time line. We were shocked to learn that the Victorian School Buildings are still standing and being used today! We then looked at the inside of the classrooms and decided that they look very different to now. The uniforms of the children are different too!
The children are also beginning their French Unit this week - the first lesson is greetings! So please practise this with your child at home if you know any French!
In dance, we are learning how to dance with a partner. Our first theme was "picking apples for Autumn" and we thoroughly enjoyed learning the moves. We will be moving on to some very simple Ballroom dance steps to link in with our Victorian unit this term.
In Science, the children are learning all about Animals Including Humans. For Year 3, they are learning about the different food groups - it would be lovely to discuss which food groups they have on their dinner in the evenings!! For Year 2, they are learning about what animals need to survive - if you have any pets at home, it would be lovely to maybe send some pictures in of your child looking after their pets!
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We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.
We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.
We are passionate about learning.
We are the best we can be.
We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.
© 2025 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.