For the first time this year we are able to share with you
the curriculum map that we use to plan the wider curriculum content and
learning for each half term. The wider curriculum is all subjects except
English and maths. We use the National Curriculum for our teaching
decisions and this is based on the knowledge that we want children to
gain. We hope that you find these maps helpful and when we start a new
one, we will send it to you. It would be great if you could talk to your
child about what they are learning from time to time and now you know what they
are learning. There is a question that guides the work and we make sure
that they get a good share of all subjects over the year, so some boxes may
have less in them for one term or half term than other subjects.
Take a look at our KIRFS (Key instant recall facts) for
In maths we are also introducing some new language in maths
called KIRFS. This stands for Key Instant Recall Facts. These
are being introduced to the children and Mrs Davies, our maths lead will email
a letter home by the end of the week to explain a little more and to suggest
how you can help at home.
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A big thank you to all families. We have managed to collect such a fantastic array of items for our Christmas Shoebox collections. What a special chance for us to take part in making a difference in our community. Mrs Davies will be taking bags of goodies to the homeless shelter to pass on to those who want and need these items.
Parent Partnership Meetings
Thank you for meeting with us last week. If you have not yet made an appointment to come and have a conversation about your child, please feel free to do this and we will meet at the earliest possible time. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do feel that you can come and ask at any time.
Craft Afternoon.
Please come one and all. Year 3/4 crafter afternoon is next Monday PM. (2.12.24). All are welcome!
Christmas Celebrations
Our Christmas celebration is on Monday 9th December 9.30 for 1 hour. Please come and join us for a sing and watch our contributions.
Miss Pittas
This week, we have been continuing our learning about 'Animals including humans'.
We have been learning about teeth and their function and today, we have completed the second part of a Science experiment where we found out what happens to teeth when they come into contact with different liquids.
Don't forget to ask your children about it so they can say what they learned!
(The white on the egg submerged in milk is white from toothpaste drying, however, the white from the apple juice and the energy drink is due to those sugary liquids and the damaging effects of sugar!)
Cave Paintings
After creating our personalised cave walls last week, we have now mixed natural pigments in our art lessons using leaves and different spices that would have been accessible in the UK during Stone Age times. We applied a range of painting techniques and attempted to add fine details using smaller brushes. It was tough painting on a cave wall; so much bumpier than our smooth paper in school.
This week marks our 40th birthday. We are SO excited to have you come to school on Friday to help us celebrate. Please come from 2.00pm until 5.30pm. There is plenty to take part in and enjoy from a bouncy castle to an ice-cream van, plenty of stalls and games to keep one and all entertained.
Can't wait to see you!
In class we have been busy planning and making our class game... it's a secret until Friday!
Come and join in the fun!
Clive from Emazdad came to school today to give us a Safety Roadshow came to see us today. The children learned all about road safety and the things to watch out for whilst out and about.
He mentioned the benefits of wearing an item that reflects on our clothing as the evenings draw in and the mornings are darker for longer.
He will be visiting us again to help us celebrate our 40th birthday. Watch out for the magic show!
In our Science lessons this week, Year 3 and 4 have been learning about digestion and the journey that food takes from being eaten to being a waste product of our body.
Photo of Elyza-Mae's work in (Y3)
We are planning and beginning to write our own stories about Stone Age Boy in English and are challenging ourself to use some of the skills we have learned in lessons independently in our writing.
Quick note to all
Please can you sign the Arbor permissions as soon as possible.
In our PSHE lesson this week, we have been considering all of the different roles that make up our school. Everyone has a part to play and we had good fun acting out the different job descriptions of all the roles we see in our school. We wrote job descriptions for music teachers, teaching assistants, meal time assistants and even the head teacher. After last week's lesson, we now realise that our attitudes and actions really do make a difference to how our class works. We all have a part to play and we can all contribute to making our school a meaningful and fun place to be.
In PE, we experienced our first hockey lesson. EVERYONE managed to master the basic skills involved with holding the stick and dribbling the ball. The children had fun working together to improve.
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We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.
We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.
We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.
We are passionate about learning.
We are the best we can be.
We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.
© 2025 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.