Class Blog for Year 4/5


Welcome to Year 4|5
What will we be learning in the wider curriculum this term?

For the first time this year, we are able to share with you the curriculum map that we use to plan the wider curriculum content and learning for each half term. The wider curriculum includes all of the subjects except English and maths. We use the National Curriculum for our teaching decisions and this is based on the knowledge that we want children to gain. There is a question that guides the work and we make sure that they get a good share of all of the subjects across the year, so some boxes may have less in them for one term than other subjects. We hope that you find these maps helpful and when we start a new one, we will send it to you. It would be great if you could talk with your child about what they are learning from time to time now that you know. 

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Happy 40th Birthday Looe Primary!

This Friday, marks our celebratory afternoon. Families are welcome to pick their children up from 2:00pm for the festivities and there will be plenty for us and all of the local community to enjoy, from bouncy castles to class stalls and an ice cream van.

Our class will also be doing a special performance with Sally Butlin and their ukuleles on the main stage at 3:30pm. A reminder that they should head to the front of the stage area for 3:25 and the show will last approximately 10 minutes.

We can’t wait to see you all!

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A Wonderful Week For Class 4|5

Wow what a great start to the Autumn term! Last week, the children showed great determination in maths, especially when looking at large numbers as part of our place value topic and they have enjoyed developing their skills for characterisation in English. In the wider curriculum, they have been developing their footwork for Football, worked on rhythm in music and played the role of hunter gatherers from the Stone Age in an outdoor learning task. We also welcomed our first class pets for the year - some cute caterpillars! 

Please see below for a few general updates and reminders:

  • Our PE days are Monday and Friday.
  • We are working on our times tables retrieval so please encourage the children to participate in our TTRS class battle set for the next few weeks.
  • Can I also ask, if you haven't already, that consents are given for this year on Arbor. This would be great so I can begin sharing some pictures of the children's learning.



Take a look at our KIRF's (Key Instant Recall Facts) for Maths

This term, we are introducing some new language. Key Instant Recall Facts look at the fundamental skills needed for maths and include number bonds and times tables. They are being introduced to the children and Mrs Davies (our math's lead) will be emailing this week to give you all a little bit more detail on how you can help at home. Please see below for the Year 4 and Year 5 KIRF's.

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We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

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