Class Blog for Year 5

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What a wonderful week.

It has been a real pleasure getting to know your children more fully over the last week and I have named them my 'little Spitzbubs'. Through our class story - Fritz and Kurt - we have learnt that Spitzbub means rascal. 
During maths it has been wonderful to see the enthusiasm for learning that they all have. They have a wonderful 'can do' attitude and are not afraid to share their scores, admit they don't know or to ask for help. We are focusing on our times tables so please encourage them to use TTR for at least 20 minutes a day.
During English we are needing to focus on our handwriting but they have wonderful ideas and are excited to write their diary entries including the skills we have been working on.

Our afternoons have been focusing on our PSHE - being me in my world. The children are incredibly empathetic and aware of how good citizens behave in the country and within our school environment.
A reminder that PE is on a Wednesday and Friday. Please can I ask all parents to ensure they have done their consents on their arbor so that next week I am able to share some pictures of our learning. Many thanks, Sam


Welcome back 

Welcome back to Year 5 2024-2025

What a lovely day! It was great to spend the day getting to know each other, getting new furniture and testing their times table knowledge after the 6 week holiday. Times tables does continue to be a big focus for us in Year 5 as we begin our long multiplication, division and lots of fractions learning - all of this is made easier with strong times tables knowledge.  We will be beginning our topic based upon the two world wars next week and a letter will be coming out shortly about a planned trip so keep an eye on your emails please.

PE - please ensure that PE kit follows are guidance on the website. No football shirts please. Our PE days are Wednesday (indoor) and Friday (outdoor). As the weather becomes cooler the children can wear dark coloured jogging bottoms and a sweatshirt, or wear their school jumper for the Friday outdoor session.

Home learning - from next week your children will have their new Mathletics and Times Table Rockstars accounts up and running. Please ensure they are actively engaging. Mathletics is set each week based upon the topics covered that week in our maths lessons so is a great way to help us see the consolidation of their learning.

Walking home, or to the gate - please could you email/ come and see me to give permission for your child to walk independently. 

Have a great week,
Mrs Davies and Miss Cook


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