Class Blog for Year 6


Greek Gods and Goddesses

This week, we looked at the beliefs of the Ancient Greeks as part of our current topic about the Olympics. We researched the different Gods and Goddesses and then made them into Top Trump games by deciding their strengths and weaknesses.



Microbits and Coding

This week, we have started to learn how to use coding to control our resident set of BBC Microbits. These are small programmable devices that can be made to show light sequences, sounds and responses to inputs.

We used block code to provide a set of instructions for the Microbits to follow. Next week, we will be looking at developing our understanding of Microbits to develop our own projects.



SATs Practice and Cracking Eggs

Year 6 have worked amazingly hard this week completing their last practice SATs tests before the main event in May. They have shown really positive attitudes and their progress from the previous tests has been superb. Well done all of Year 6!

We have also had some amazing entries for the Easter Egg competition with some very clever and funny themes. 

Well done to all who entered and we look forward to hearing who our winners are in a special assembly on the last day of term.

Wishing you all a lovely Easter break! 



Easter Art for The Riverside Church

As has become a tradition with the Year 6 and Year 5/6 classes, we created some artwork to display at the Riverside Church in Looe. This will be available to see throughout the Easter period. They look forward to seeing you there!



Celebrating St Piran's Day

We had fun finding out about the jolliest of the patron saints: St Piran. We researched the story and then used the main points to create comics to retell his journey from Ireland to Cornwall.

We also looked at the culture and heritage of Cornwall and challenged ourselves with quiz questions in teams (plus parents) about our special county.



Art Project- Sneak Peek!

Year 6 had the opportunity to work with two local artists to contribute towards a collective project involving paint, collage and sketching. The theme of the project is identity and our understanding of ourselves. The creativity shown by the children throughout the sessions was superb and it was great to see their unique approaches to the brief. We will shared the finished results in due course but hopefully it will make for a fantastic piece of collaborative art.

Well done Year 6!


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