Ofsted Report

We are happy to share our Ofsted report here for you alongside links to the Ofsted website. Our latest report is from January 2019.
If you would like to see the progress we have made as a school since our previous inspection, we strongly recommmend a visit.

We have also included links to Parentview below, which is an Ofsted website that enables you to say what you think about our school - we would like to remind our families though that if they have concerns the best way for these to be solved is by coming into school and talking to a member of staff about them.

Very proud to be judged a 'Good' school

Looe Primary Academy part of the Bridge Schools Trust received its long awaited Ofsted inspection at the end of January 2019. This time the staff and pupils are celebrating a very positive outcome. The inspectors gave the school a resounding thumbs up and confirmed that the school is now a ‘GOOD’ provider.

The Ofsted report confirms that “as a team, the headteacher and executive headteacher sustain a strong and passionate drive for improvement. The headteacher has moulded a strong team of senior and middle leaders and secured high staff morale. The curriculum is well planned and provides pupils with rich and varied learning experiences. It captures the pupils’ interest and contributes well to their personal and social development.” The report identifies the development of a “strong inclusive community ethos based on achieving the very best for the pupils.

As a result, pupils’ achievements in all parts of the school have improved year on year and securely demonstrate the school’s capacity to bring further improvement.” The report highlights the role that the Bridge Schools Trust and local governors have played in the school’s improvement.

“School leaders, local governors and multi-academy trust leaders have taken decisive action to rectify concerns identified in the previous inspection … they work well together to provide effective oversight in holding school leaders to account for improving pupils’ outcomes … and are articulate and passionate about promoting high standards.”

The inspectors had a lot to say about the pupils. Pupils told inspectors that they “feel safe and know how to stay safe in school.” They say that staff “care about us and listen to what we have to say.” Of pupil behaviour, the inspectors said that, “pupils behave well in lessons and around the school. At times, behaviour is exemplary, for example when singing a school song, ‘Looe is our home’ during assembly and when stimulated by interesting topics in class. Pupils, including the most able, achieve well. They respond well to the increasing challenges brought to their learning. Their responses show a continuing trend of improvement stemming from the consistently good and better teaching and learning across the school.”

The school is also particularly pleased with the improvements within its early years provision. The report indicates that, “adults work effectively with parents and pre-school providers. Staff develop childrens’ skills well through a stimulating range of learning activities. Adults know the children well; the children clearly feel safe and behave well in the knowledge that they are well looked after.”

Headteacher Janine Waring said, “I am delighted that the hard work and commitment of all those who work on behalf of the school has been recognised by Ofsted. Looe Primary Academy is proud to be a member of the Bridge Schools Trust and has benefitted from the support provided. I am pleased that the report acknowledges our passion for achieving the best outcomes for all pupils and that our motto of ‘Creating Lifelong Learners’ lies at the heart of all that we strive hard to achieve.”



View the following documents within your web browser or download to read later

Ofsted Report January 2019.pdf
Ofsted Report January 2019.pdf
Ofsted Report Parent and Carer Letter Feb 2019.pdf
Ofsted Report Parent and Carer Letter Feb 2019.pdf




Our Values...



We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

© 2025 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.