Class Blog for Foundation

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Friday 7th February 

This week the children have been practicing lots of letter formation, in English. We have followed the story of Christopher Nibble and used pictures to identify key words and initial sounds. We then used those initial sounds to write letters using the correct formation.

In maths we have been exploring 6,7, and 8. We have been exploring 1 more and 1 less and also the composition of these numbers. The children are getting really great at learning what parts make a number!

In phonics we have explored the sounds oa and igh. /igh/ is our first trigraph and the children did amazingly well at reading words with this phoneme in.

As we still have our big question of: What can I explore today? We were lucky enough to explore Mrs Gregory’s giant African land snails this week. We looked at them closely and felt their shells. Mrs Gregory taught us so much about them.

On Thursday we had our Speak out, Stay safe assembly session. We explored ways in which we could be hurt and who we can speak to if we are scared and worried.  We explored this using the NSPCC and ‘buddy’ the speech bubble!

Today was Times Table Rock Star Day! Although the children in Foundation do not need to be able to recite their tables we do learn our 2’s ,5’s and 10 times table through song and chant them in class daily. We did this with an extra whoosh today in our rock star clothes and it was great!

Next week is our last week before half term. Next Friday is an INSET day.

Have a wonderful weekend

The Foundation Team 



Friday 31st January

This week the children have been working so hard!

In English this week , we started a new story called: Christopher Nibble! Christopher is a guinea pig who loves eating dandelions BUT they run out!

The children have really enjoyed learning this story. They explored the structure of a story by learning the beginning, middle and end. They sequenced the pictures and wrote key words to match the pictures.

In maths this week we have been exploring 6,7 and 8! The children have used ten frames to represent these numbers and have been AMAZING! We have also continued to learn/sing/chant our 2’s, 5’s and 10 times tables.

In phonics we have explored two diagraphs this week: ai and ee. The children’s reading is progressing so well and during phonics lessons Miss Hughes is always so impressed.

The children have been exploring gardening and mini beasts this week. They have matched vegetables to Christopher Nibble’s garden, dotted, painted and coloured gardening pictures, made minibeast from pipe cleaners and so much more!

Today we were lucky enough to have a community visitor in class that explained all about Chinese New Year. Ava spoke to us about what the celebration means to her family and what they do to celebrate it. She then showed us how to make the most beautiful Chinese lanterns. As Eva came into see us all of our activities were based around Chinese New Year! It was so much fun.

Have a wonderful weekend

The Foundation Team 



Friday 25th January

This week has included the special visit from The Royal Cornwall Showground. They spoke to the children about lots of interesting farm facts and where our food comes from and then the children were able to join in with fantastic activities, they loved exploring and learning.

In English the children have been drawing a labelling parts of a penguin. The children have been using their initial sound and phonics knowledge and it has been amazing to see their progress.

In maths we have been exploring 1 less and the composition of 5. The children really are progressing so well.

In phonics we have learnt the digraphs sh/th( unvoiced like moth) th( voiced like ‘feather’ and ng/.

The children are really growing and progressing, and we are so proud of all they achieve.

Have a wonderful weekend

The Foundation Team 



End of week 2

This week we have continued to be explorers!  When we came to school on Monday some of our polar animals had been frozen! we had to work out how to free them and this was great fun. We used pipettes and warm water, and we soon got them out! We also explored painting ice outside it was so much fun! 

In outdoor learning we used a graded paint sheet and explored our natural area to see if we could match natural items to the sheet! 

In English this week Miss Hughes pretended to be a penguin whilst the children thought of brilliant questions to ask the 'penguin'. Once we had lots of questions, we then used different sources such as books, fact files, the internet and nature programs to answer our questions. The children thought of some amazing questions. 

In maths we have been exploring 'one more' the children have had great fun exploring this topic, especially when we played the bus game!! 

We have explored so much this week! 



Friday 10th January- Happy New Year! 

Happy New Year to everyone, and what a wonderful start back to school we have had!

The children seemed to have grown over the two weeks not at school and it reminds us just how quickly the Foundation year goes!

This half term’s big question is: What can we explore today?

Currently we are exploring polar regions, we have our very own Antarctica in class and the children have loved exploring it. The weather has kindly helped us with our exploration and we have been looking closely at all the ice in our playground. We even completed an experiment to see if we blow bubbles onto the ice will the bubble freeze!!

In English this week we have started to read the story The Emperor’s Egg. The children loved this book, and they learnt it well by using our class story map. We also watched a compilation of Happy Feet the film. The children made connections about what we read in our book. The children have used their oracy and sequencing skills to retell the story in their books.

As we discovered that daddy emperor penguins have a very important job in keeping the egg warm and safe on their feet for 2 months, so we decided to see if we could be an emperor penguin. We had a go at balancing an ‘egg’ on our feet and waddle- it was so tricky! Although Janet was a pro!

In math’s this week we have explored zero, subitise to 5 and count back from 5. Miss Hughes has challenged the children every day to a math’s activity and the children have beat her every day, they are the best mathematicians!

In phonics the children have started level 3 this week we explored phonemes j/v/w/and x. The children have come back to school with such enthusiasm for their phonics and have been so excited to learn level 3!  

The children have also: made arctic scenes, drawn penguins, tried to make igloos from Lego, played read and find, and so much more!

Have a wonderful weekend

The Foundation Team




KIRFs- Key Instant Recall Facts for spring term

Below are the KIRFs for the spring term. Please use these to practice with your children at home. As always if you require any additional support, please do not hesitate to ask us. 



Friday 20th December

Wow! We have reached the end of term!

I cannot believe that the Foundation children have completed a whole term already!

Time flies when you’re having fun they say, and we have had SOOOOO much fun learning and exploring this term!

We are so proud of all that the children have achieved and how they have progressed!

This week has been full of Christmas exploring in class. We have explored The Christmas Story in more detail, we have had fun creating lots of Christmas crafts and following verbal and visual instructions to make special things to come home!

We also had the Christmas disco, and class party which were both great fun. Wednesday was Christmas jumper and lunch day, and the children looked amazing!

This time of year, is always very busy and tiring so we wish you and your children a very happy, relaxed festive time at home and we look forward to seeing all the children back to school for the spring term on Tuesday 7th.

The Foundation Team 



Friday 13th December

We have had such a jammed packed week of exploring and learning!

We have been practicing our writing by labelling items in Santa’s sack! The children have worked hard t use their phonics to help them write small words!

We have been using the Christmas theme to match Christmas tree numbers to amounts of baubles. We went all the way to 20!

The children are coming to the end of level 2 again, with the emphasis on writing and have done really well. Next week we will be assessing the children. After Christmas we will begin level 3! We will be sending the weekly phonic sheets back out again after Christmas so that you can join in with the learning at home! They are progressing so well!

The children have also; made a dancing reindeer, made swirly snowmen, cut and decorated winter scenes, made a reindeer face and so much more!

The children have been practicing their Christmas performance and we were so impressed with the magical performance they joined in with, on Wednesday and Thursday! All the adults were so proud of them! It was fantastic! Thank you for coming, it was lovely to see so many of you.

Next week is the last week of the Autumn term. School will close at 1:30pm on Friday 20th so please collect children at the usual door at 1:30pm please.

Have a wonderful weekend

The Foundation Team 



Friday 29th November

Some of this week’s exploring and learning:

In English this week we started to explore the story Lost and Found. The children have been learning this story through listening to the book, watching the video and using a story map in class. The children made stick puppets of the characters this week and then used their oracy skills to retell the story. They have really enjoyed exploring this story.

This week in maths the children having been subitising 4 and 5 and also ensuring they have mastered counting on and back to 5. We sang lots of counting on and back songs and read some lovely counting stories.

In phonics this week we have been reviewing, revisiting and writing letters, e/u/r and diagraph ck/

The children have also been making magical castles from building blocks, learning how to draw a teddy bear by practicing their pencil grip and pencil control and, printing with ink. We have also been watching Toy Story and using our imaginations to design toys that may come alive when we are at home! Next week we will make our toys!

Have a wonderful weekend

The Foundation Team




Friday 22nd November

Some of this week’s exploring and learning:

The children have had great fun exploring instructions on how to toast a marshmallow this week. They have been exploring using fab vocabulary to start the sentence such as, get/let/hold/check. The most exciting part of our instructions is that today we got to toast marshmallows with Mr. Liddement! It was an amazing experience at school! The children were using words such as magnificent, delicious, crackling and wonderful!

The children have been subitising this week (saying an amount without counting) to three and some even beyond to five! The children really are working so hard!

In phonics this week we have revisited and reviewed writing the letters g/o/c/and k/. Alongside oral blending practice, their reading is progressing amazingly!

In outdoor learning with Mrs Gregory the children made tree sprites, and they were superb! They also had the chance to learn how to fly a kite just like Kit and Sam in phonics!!

The children have also learnt how to draw a robot toy, made their favourite toys from plasticine, designed some amazing toys using their imagination and so much more!

We wish you all a wonderful and restful weekend

The Foundation Team 


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