Class Blog for Year 5

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Our Class shop was open today 

Happy shoppers - Monday 20th January 2025

Across the school today we enjoyed a maths shop to consolidate our addition, subtraction and rounding skills learnt in Autumn term 1. Children had to buy their biscuits and topics from their teacher, as well as working out the change. We enjoyed using our learnt skills and getting to eat our biscuits too. Great problem solving children!

I look forward to seeing you tonight for our Year 5 residential meeting. Thank you to those who have remembered the PE is now on a Wednesday and Thursday.

We had a wonderful visit form the Royal Cornwall show on Monday and the children enjoyed thinking about the fish in our surrounding seas and where our foods come from. 

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Merry Christmas 

Thursday 19th December 2024

We wish you a Merry Christmas!! Miss Cook and I would like to wish you all a wonderful Christmas break. We have loved this term with your children and all of the learning we have done - highlights include: our Grandparent afternoon, our evacuee visit to the Cornish Museum at Helston and seeing the progress your children have made across the curriculum. We are so proud.

We have loved making some crafts to bring home for our loved ones over the last week and we hope you enjoy them. We will see you tomorrow for our class party and a 1:30pm finish. Remember children are back on Tuesday 7th January as we have an Inset day on Monday 6th.


Monday 9th December 2024 

What a great start to the week!

Having talked about how I once had a class Christmas postbox but it had been ruined check out this incredible creation by one of my wonderful Spitzbubs :-) What an incredible creation for us all. Thank you to his family.

I was also very proud of all our children who took part in our Church Christmas performance today. Thank you to all our parents who were able to attend and those who helped by walking down, and back, from the church with us. It was very much appreciated!

We look forward to welcoming our Grandparents on Wednesday afternoon to do some baking with them and share our learning. Please don't forget class party is on Friday 20th December and it might be a good idea for the children to not bring lunch that day as we will have our class party food instead. We finish school early that day at 1:30pm. 

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Wednesday 27th November 2024 


I will blog tomorrow to showcase some amazing writing in English this week but today I am so thankful for our community. Check out the picture below which shows what we collected with the school council today from our mufti-day. What an incredible amount donated from all of you wonderful people across the school. Your school councilors and pupils are so thankful. One very proud Mrs Davies today. 

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Friday 15th November 2024

This week we have done so many wonderful things. Beginning with Remembrance on Monday and anti-bullying week beginning. The children have enjoyed thinking more about what respect is and how we show it, and why it is important to choose respect. They had a lovely time thinking of ways to be kind on World Kindness Day on Wednesday creating some lovely compliment charts. 
On Thursday we had a lovely trip to Helston museum of Cornish life where we were able to experience what life may have been like for evacuees arriving in Helston. The children enjoyed the opportunity to handle artefacts, read newspapers from the time and write evacuation postcards home with a 'dippy ink pen'. The week has ended with Children in Need and a lovely day of art as we have helped Sean Hewitt to create a masterpiece for school and took part in a local competition. Lots of excited children hoping to win in the class.
A reminder that a letter has gone home as we open up our classroom to grandparents on Wednesday 11th December - with thanks to our kitchen staff in supporting this afternoon by helping us to do some baking, we cannot wait to welcome our important people and share our learning with them.

Next week is Parent's evening, please email or catch me to book your slot. 

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What we will be learning in the Wider Curriculum this term 

For the first time this year we are able to share with you the curriculum map that we use to plan the wider curriculum content and  learning for each half term.  The wider curriculum is all subjects except English and maths.  We use the National Curriculum for our teaching decisions and this is based on the knowledge that we want children to gain.  We hope that you find these maps helpful and when we start a new one, we will send it to you.  It would be great if you could talk to your child about what they are learning from time to time and now you know what they are learning.  There is a question that guides the work and we make sure that they get a good share of all subjects over the year, so some boxes may have less in them for one term or half term than other subjects.

In maths we are also introducing some new language in maths called KIRFS.  This stands for  Key Instant Recall Facts.  These are being introduced to the children and Mrs Davies, our maths lead will email a letter home by the end of the week to explain a little more and to suggest how you can help at home. 

You will receive a class blog at least once per week now, so please help us by updating your permissions on Arbor so that we can blog pictures of your child and share their learning with you more.

If you have any questions about the curriculum map, please let me know and I will help as much as possible.

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Wednesday 23rd October 2024

I apologise for not writing on here for two weeks but between first aid training, taking 16 year six children to London it has been busy for me. Your children continue to make me smile every day and the learning is going strong. We have almost finished learning about Muslim's in Britain today and the children did some wonderful presentations about a famous British Muslim of their choosing - Mo Farah was a firm favourite for all he has achieved. We have also been enjoying learning about the Alps and have been talking about how different it is from our coastal town and how tricky it would have been to maneuver over during the World Wars. It was great that the children were able to combine this geography knowledge with their history learning. I also apologise if they all ask for skiing holidays to Innsbruck as we investigate leisure and tourism and why people enjoy going to the Alps so much.
Please can I ask once again if parents will sign their children's arbor permissions for photos, it will  mean I can attach photos to these blogs each week which is always lovely to see.
Many thanks,


Road safety 

Wednesday 25th September 2024

Another week has passed and we have been busy in all our learning. The children are really getting to grips with learning about our number system up to 1,000,000 and the importance of the power of 10 this week. In English we have been writing up our lovely diary entries and they have impressed me with how hard they have worked to make sure their handwriting is lovely. I will be sending them to Mrs Marshall for handwriting pens this week if they are joining beautifully and taking pride in their work.
We have begun looking at our RE this week and learning about the religion of Islam and how Muslims in Britain live. We have been looking at their core beliefs and the Five Pillars - your children are brilliant at recalling what they mean so please ask them. Shadah - Faith, Salah - Prayer, Zakat - Charity, Sawm - Fasting and Hajj - Pilgrimage.
We are continuing our fitness in PE this week and hopefully the children will not ache as much as they have done as we continue with our circuits and thinking about how our muscles help us in everyday life and why we need to keep them fit. With Bobby the children have been working on team work, finding space and learning the rules of football. The children all look wonderful in their PE kits - thank you. 

Today we have also welcomes Clive, from the road safety south west. Clive is a regular visitor to talk with the children about road safety and the children love his humor and interactive manner in teaching such an important subject.

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A perfect September week 

Wednesday 18th September 2024

A wonderful week again - we have been so lucky with the weather and the children have been enjoying their play and lunch times. It has been wonderful to see how much progress they are already making in their English this week and I am looking forward to seeing their final diary entries that we have been busy planning. We are working hard to ensure that we include apostrophes in our contractions, remember the capital I's and our fronted adverbials. They are looking wonderful so far.
In maths their times table rockstar scores have improved in just 10 days of doing our daily TTR and I am so proud of all the progress. It is important that all the children are able to embrace their successes and 1 mark more is fantastic. We have decided though that 59/60 is the worst score to get :-) We are still enjoying and learning well in our place value unit and we will sit our second arithmetic test of the year on Friday.
We have enjoyed another fitness circuit in PE today so it will be interesting if the children find walking down the stairs tricky like last week. We have talked about how as the unit progresses hopefully they will ache less as their fitness improves. We have begun looking at our history too and mapped the key countries for the start of World War 1. They should all be able to tell you the countries in the Triple Entente and Triple Alliance. 
Thank you for remebering PE kits but please ensure that it is alongside our school policy for PE uniform - no football strips. Blue/black bottoms and a white top please. Many thanks, Mrs Davies



What a wonderful week.

It has been a real pleasure getting to know your children more fully over the last week and I have named them my 'little Spitzbubs'. Through our class story - Fritz and Kurt - we have learnt that Spitzbub means rascal. 
During maths it has been wonderful to see the enthusiasm for learning that they all have. They have a wonderful 'can do' attitude and are not afraid to share their scores, admit they don't know or to ask for help. We are focusing on our times tables so please encourage them to use TTR for at least 20 minutes a day.
During English we are needing to focus on our handwriting but they have wonderful ideas and are excited to write their diary entries including the skills we have been working on.

Our afternoons have been focusing on our PSHE - being me in my world. The children are incredibly empathetic and aware of how good citizens behave in the country and within our school environment.
A reminder that PE is on a Wednesday and Friday. Please can I ask all parents to ensure they have done their consents on their arbor so that next week I am able to share some pictures of our learning. Many thanks, Sam


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