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Year 3/4   17.10.24

Posted 17/10/2024
by Cathrine Pittas

This week, we have been continuing our learning about 'Animals including humans'.

We have been learning about teeth and their function and today, we have completed the second part of a Science experiment where we found out what happens to teeth when they come into contact with different liquids. 

Don't forget to ask your children about it so they can say what they learned!

(The white on the egg submerged in milk is white from toothpaste drying, however, the white from the apple juice and the energy drink is due to those sugary liquids and the damaging effects of sugar!)


Foundation/Y1   Autumn 1, Week 6: Our learning this week!

Posted 16/10/2024
by Jasmine Bolger

Our learning this week!

We’ve had another great week in Foundation / Year 1 class.

In English we have started our new learning journey focusing on poetry. We have been looking at the poem Owl and the Pussy Cat by Edward Lear. We have learnt the poem through making up some actions and looking at the rhyming words. Foundation have started writing words using their phonics sounds to match pictures and Year 1 have started to make their own verse of a poem, thinking of a new character and new rhyming words!

In Maths, Foundation have been looking at patterns. We have done this in lots of different ways. Our favourite way was looking for patterns in nature and making patterns on a walk outside. Year 1 have started our new addition and subtraction unit and we have been looking at part-whole models.

We also had a special visitor to our class this week! Miss Hughes found a stick insect outside and we have been having a look using our investigation station. We even used our choosing time to draw the stick insect and discuss what it looks like. I think we will be a little bit sad when we have to let him back outside!

In Geography, we have also been looking at hot and cold countries. We have spoken about what clothes you would need for a hot country, and what clothes you would need for a cold country. We have also been locating these countries on a map.

Some important messages:

Please make sure you are sending your child in with their reading record every day. If we get time we will read with the children so it is important that their book is in school.

There is a parent phonics information session next week. This is just to give you some more information of how we run phonics at school and ways you can help your children at home. These will run at 9:30 – 10:00 and 2:30 – 3:00 on Tuesday 22nd October. If you would like to attend please email me. 

Thank you!

The Foundation/Year 1 Team


Year 2  

Posted 16/10/2024
by Rebecca Marshall

Week 6 - 14th October 

In English we have completed writing our own version of Little Red Riding Hood. The children were very creative when they changed their story characters and the setting. It was great to see how they were able to use their knowledge of the story to make it their own. 

In History the children have been learning all about how schools have changed and they have been particularly focusing on school life in the Victorian era. The children have all agreed that the teachers were very strict and they did not like the sound of the dunces cap or the cane !

We were able to interview Mrs Brewer's Mum Janet who went to primary school over 50 years ago. Schools have even changed dramatically since Janet was at school. She can remember having the cane and she was able to tell us all about the playground games the children played.   

This week in music we have been learning to play the Ukulele. Mrs Butlin has taught the children how to hold the instrument correctly and we have started
playing simple tunes to accompany our singing. 



Posted 11/10/2024
by Rebecca Hughes

Friday 11th October

Some of this week’s learning in Foundation class:

The foundation children have worked so hard this week, and we have seen some lovely wow moments!

In English we have started to explore poems, and we have started with the poem The Owl and the Pussy Cat. The children have been learning a part of the poem and have started role playing and thinking of actions to help them learn it. They have been exploring rhyming words that they can hear in the poem.

In Phonics we have learnt to recognize, read and write letters h/b/f and l. Each day in phonics the children practice their oral blending skills to read words and this week they have amazed the adults at how well they are beginning to read words that include the phonemes they know!

The children have also been practicing their name writing, using mirrors to explore their faces and then draw self-portraits, decorating handprints with the things they love the most, they have been exploring autumnal natural resources in the playground and so much more!

The children continue to progress so well and have progressed so much already!

Have a lovely weekend

The Foundation Team 



Posted 10/10/2024
by Rebecca Hughes

40 Years of Looe Primary!

The celebration went so well and Foundations effort to make stones for the stall and decorate the pirate tombola was appreciated by everyone that had a go!

We made lots of money for our school equipment and so much fun was had by all! 

Well done Foundation and well done Looe Primary! 

We love our school! 


Year 2/3   Wednesday 9th October

Posted 09/10/2024
by Rebecca Brewer

Wednesday 9th October

Wow what a week so far!  We hope that you enjoyed the party last Friday!  Our class stall went well and so many children were enjoying our tattoos!

We have had a very busy week already!  On Monday, we had a guest speaker Ms Clifton.  She came in to talk to the children about when she was at school and also when her grandmother was at school during Victorian Times!  The children learned many different things including that there were no carpets - just wooden floors in school.  They were shocked at this and said it must have been so uncomfortable!

Today, they also had a "visit" from "Florence Nightingale".  They asked so many questions such as "What school did you go to?", "What did you do for work?" and "When were you born?".  They were so shocked again that Florence did not know what electricity was!  And tried to explain to her what a Playstation was!

In maths, we are coming to the end of our place value unit and will begin addition and subtraction next week.  Please do not forget that assignments are set on mathletics every week.  The children's logins are in the front of their reading records.

The children had the last of their science lessons for this half term today.  The Year Two children completed a wonderful experiment about hygiene and the Year Three children made a working arm to show how the biceps and triceps work!

The children also have their last French lesson for this half term tomorrow.  They will be learning the names of the colours.  It has been lovely to hear the children using their french language knowledge in the playground too!  I hope that they have been practising at home!


Year 3/4   9.10.24

Posted 09/10/2024
by Cathrine Pittas

Cave Paintings

After creating our personalised cave walls last week, we have now mixed natural pigments in our art lessons using leaves and different spices that would have been accessible in the UK during Stone Age times. We applied a range of painting techniques and attempted to add fine details using smaller brushes.  It was tough painting on a cave wall; so much bumpier than our smooth paper in school.


Foundation/Y1   Autumn 1, Week 5: Looe Primary's 40th Celebration!

Posted 08/10/2024
by Jasmine Bolger

Looe Primary's 40th Celebration! 

We have had a wonderful week in Foundation/ Year 1.

On Friday it was Looe Primary’s 40th birthday! Our stall was cupcake decorating and the children decorated the signs for it. We had some wonderful little helpers too. Thank you to everyone that bought a cupcake from our stall, fingers crossed we raised the most money!

We also had the Pop up Play Village in to visit us. We loved the construction area and the bakery area the best. The children were so excited when they saw everything to play with, and they practised their sharing and taking turns really well.

In English, we finished our Bear Hunt learning journey by writing our own verse of the story. We changed the story to ‘We’re going on a Monster Hunt!’ Foundation helped us to think of actions to our new verse and year 1 wrote it down. We are moving onto poetry next and will be focusing on ‘Owl and the Pussycat’ by Edward Lear.

We have had a great week and I look forward to the next!

Thank you.

The Foundation / Year 1 Team.


Year 2  

Posted 07/10/2024
by Rebecca Marshall

Pop up Play Village Fun
Monday 7th October 

Year Two had a wonderful morning when Pop up Play Village came to Looe Primary Academy. The children enjoyed playing in a wide variety of role play areas such as the doctors, the vets, the police station, a cafe and also the builders yard. 



Posted 04/10/2024
by Rebecca Hughes

Friday 4th October

What a busty week we have had!

We have been making and preparing for our Looe Primary 40th Birthday celebration today and the children have worked so hard! On our stall we will have all that they have made to sell. We will upload pictures on Monday for you to see, after the event!

The children have been exploring and learning so much this week.

In phonics the children have learnt the diagraph (two letters, one sound) CK and the sounds e/u/ and r. They have been amazing in phonics, and we are really beginning to see progress with their oral blending to read small words!

The children have also been using water colours to paint, sorting monsters into different groups, using their funky fingers to cut out pictures to make a picture of all the things they like and using felt tips to decorate a person.

In English the children have been trying to perfect their tripod grip when holding a pencil. The children drew a picture of their favourite part of the story We’re Going on a Bear Hunt. The children are progressing well with the tripod grip and once they have mastered this their writing and drawing skills will be even more amazing!

On COOL time ( Choose Our Own Learning) the children have chosen the marble run a lot and it has been amazing to see and hear them working together to make a marble run, we have heard so much wonderful vocabulary from the children to solve problems! They were so impressed and happy when the marble reached the bottom!

On Thursday we were lucky to have a visit form Pop Up Play. The children loved exploring the toys and resources. There was a vets, hospital, baby nursery, supermarket, fire and police station and a construction site! Miss Hughes and Janet seemed to be WANTED a lot and ended up in the police van!!!! It was a wonderful morning!

We have explored so much more this week and it’s been a wonderful week

We look forward to seeing you all later at the celebration!

Have a lovely weekend

The Foundation Team 


Year 4/5  

Posted 02/10/2024
by Holly Strickland

Happy 40th Birthday Looe Primary!

This Friday, marks our celebratory afternoon. Families are welcome to pick their children up from 2:00pm for the festivities and there will be plenty for us and all of the local community to enjoy, from bouncy castles to class stalls and an ice cream van.

Our class will also be doing a special performance with Sally Butlin and their ukuleles on the main stage at 3:30pm. A reminder that they should head to the front of the stage area for 3:25 and the show will last approximately 10 minutes.

We can’t wait to see you all!


Year 2/3   Wednesday 2nd October

Posted 02/10/2024
by Rebecca Brewer

Wednesday 2nd October

We are so looking forward to seeing you on Friday!  The children and staff are looking forward to a great celebration with so many exciting things to do and see!


Year 6  

Posted 02/10/2024
by Nicholas Bowden

Happy Birthday Looe!

We are looking forward to the celebrations on Friday and welcoming all of the community that help to make Looe primary great! 


Year 2  

Posted 02/10/2024
by Rebecca Marshall

Wednesday 2nd October

We had a lovely visit today from children's book author Sally Crabtree, who we will be working with tomorrow for National Poetry Day. She read us books and sang us songs. We then designed our own magic rings to wear on the train tomorrow. We imagined that we were on a magic train and pictured what we could see out of the windows. Some of us went to magic fairy land, others to cookie world and some of us saw dragons and unicorns! We will be turning these images into a book on the train tomorrow. 


Year 3/4   Week Beginning 30.10.24

Posted 02/10/2024
by Cathrine Pittas

Happy Birthday Looe Primary

This week marks our 40th birthday. We are SO excited to have you come to school on Friday to help us celebrate.  Please come from 2.00pm until 5.30pm. There is plenty to take part in and enjoy from a bouncy castle to an ice-cream van, plenty of stalls and games to keep one and all entertained.

Can't wait to see you!

In class we have been busy planning and making our class game... it's a secret until Friday!

Come and join in the fun!


Year 2  

Posted 02/10/2024
by Rebecca Marshall

National Poetry Day
Thursday 3rd October

Today the children in Year 2 went on a wonderful trip on the train from Looe to Liskeard. This was part of a poetry project funded by Great Western Railways. During the day the children took part in creating a song about their train journey, they made special golden tickets and also some wonderful parcel pets.

It was a lovely day and the children thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Take a look at the wonderful photos from our day ...


Year 2  

Posted 02/10/2024
by Rebecca Marshall

Looe Primary Academy 40th Birthday Celebrations
Friday 4th October 

Today the whole school celebrated the 40th Birthday of Looe Primary Academy. We had a wonderful afternoon of fun and entertainment. So many members of the local community attended. It was an incredible afternoon and we all enjoyed celebrating with of friends, families and the Looe community ...


Foundation/Y1   Autumn 1, Week 4: Road Safety and lots of learning!

Posted 01/10/2024
by Jasmine Bolger

Road Safety and lots of learning! 

What a great week we have had in Foundation/Year 1.

We were very lucky to have a Road Safety Roadshow that taught us all about how to stay safe when we are out and about. We really enjoyed learning the dance and words to ‘Stop, Look and Listen.’ We were also taught about how important it is to stay close to, or hold hands with our adult when crossing the road. The children really enjoyed learning all things road safety!

In Phonics, Year 1 have been learning their new ‘ie’ sound. We then practised writing this in different words. In Maths, we have also been looking at one more and one less. We have been building towers and finding the correct numbers that are one more and one less!

We have also all been learning about the weather. Every morning we discuss what the weather is like and we’ve been focusing on using amazing adjectives to do this. My favourite ones this week are ‘the sun is golden’ and ‘the sea is sparkly.’ How brilliant! We have also been thinking about the right clothing we need depending on the weather.

On Friday we have our 40th birthday celebration for the school. This is going to be a great day. Please let me know if you will be attending either through email or letting me know during meet/greet.

Thank you!

The Foundation/Year 1 Team


Year 2  

Posted 27/09/2024
by Rebecca Marshall

Forest School Fun
Week 3 - 27th September 

This week we explored the school environment and gathered lots of natural materials so that we could attach them to a crown. Take a look at our photos, we are so lucky to have such a wonderful school setting. 



Posted 27/09/2024
by Rebecca Hughes

Friday 27th September

The children have had yet another impressive week of exploring and learning in Foundation.

In phonics this week the children have been learning g/o/c/k – They have been working really hard to orally blend sounds that they know to read words, and they are progressing well. Lots of writing practice would be great to progress them even further- the phonics sheets have been sent home for you to follow.

Foundation children have continued with their big question- Who Am I?

This week the children made people using natural resources with Mrs Gregory in outdoor learning. The children are becoming great at following instructions when walking around the school and in the forest area. They have been exploring some wonderful adjectives to describe the materials they are using.

In English the children have been sequencing the story of Were Going on a Bear Hunt and saying words from the story and writing the initial graphemes they know! The adults are VERY impressed!

The children have also been exploring capacity, mass and patterns in math’s this week and the children loved being human weighing scales. They have been identifying patterns and making patterns of their own using the peg boards.

Foundation have also been preparing items to sell at the 40th birthday celebration, they are wonderful so please come and see our stall and purchase some of their creative work. We will also have a pirate chocolate tombola and pirate cupcakes!

The children have explored and chosen so much wonderful learning activities this week!

Have a lovely weekend

The Foundation Team 


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