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Year 6  

Posted 25/09/2024
by Nicholas Bowden

Road Safety Roadshow

Today we had a road safety talk to help us to stay safe whilst out and about. The children were really engaged and we were really impressed with their understanding of the key rules for road safety.


Year 2/3  

Posted 25/09/2024
by Rebecca Brewer

We had our Road Safety Roadshow come into school today!  The children were taught a song that said "Stop, Look and Listen".  The session was highly engaging and the children learned many things about Road Safety.

Please can you continue these conversations about Road Safety to keep our children safe :)


Year 3/4   25.9.24

Posted 25/09/2024
by Cathrine Pittas

Clive from Emazdad came to school today to give us a Safety Roadshow came to see us today. The children learned all about road safety and the things to watch out for whilst out and about.

He mentioned the benefits of wearing an item that reflects on our clothing as the evenings draw in and the mornings are darker for longer.

He will be visiting us again to help us celebrate our 40th birthday. Watch out for the magic show!


Year 2/3  

Posted 25/09/2024
by Rebecca Brewer

Wednesday 25th September

We have had another lovely week!  In English, the children wrote a letter to Grandma from the Wolf, apologising for all of the crimes that he had committed!!

In maths, we are on our last leg of the place value unit and learning the number line to 100 (YR2) and the number line to 1000 (YR3).  

For science, Year 3 pupils learned about Endoskeletons and Exoskeletons and which animals have no skeleton at all!  They sorted them into groups!

For Art, the children have been learning all about the famous artist Jasper Johns and recreated his art piece "Numbers in Color" which was painted in 1958!  They really enjoyed this today!

For History, the children learned all about a Victorian classroom and made comparisons to our classroom now.  They will be going back in time and writing a letter to a Victorian child to tell them all of the things that will change in the future!


Year 5   Road safety

Posted 25/09/2024
by Samantha Davies

Wednesday 25th September 2024

Another week has passed and we have been busy in all our learning. The children are really getting to grips with learning about our number system up to 1,000,000 and the importance of the power of 10 this week. In English we have been writing up our lovely diary entries and they have impressed me with how hard they have worked to make sure their handwriting is lovely. I will be sending them to Mrs Marshall for handwriting pens this week if they are joining beautifully and taking pride in their work.
We have begun looking at our RE this week and learning about the religion of Islam and how Muslims in Britain live. We have been looking at their core beliefs and the Five Pillars - your children are brilliant at recalling what they mean so please ask them. Shadah - Faith, Salah - Prayer, Zakat - Charity, Sawm - Fasting and Hajj - Pilgrimage.
We are continuing our fitness in PE this week and hopefully the children will not ache as much as they have done as we continue with our circuits and thinking about how our muscles help us in everyday life and why we need to keep them fit. With Bobby the children have been working on team work, finding space and learning the rules of football. The children all look wonderful in their PE kits - thank you. 

Today we have also welcomes Clive, from the road safety south west. Clive is a regular visitor to talk with the children about road safety and the children love his humor and interactive manner in teaching such an important subject.


Foundation/Y1   Autumn 1, Week 3: What we've been doing!

Posted 24/09/2024
by Jasmine Bolger

What we've been doing!

We have had another great week in Foundation / Year 1!

In English, we have continued our learning on ‘We’re going on a Bear Hunt.’ The children have loved learning this book and we know the story very well now! We have been sequencing the story with pictures. Foundation have been writing a sound they have learnt in phonics to match the picture and Year 1 have started writing words to match.

In Maths, Foundation have been sorting and matching objects. They have been making sets and thought about what objects match in each set. Year 1 have been continuing their place value unit of numbers up to 10. We are also continuing to practise counting in 2s in the classroom.

In the wider curriculum, Year 1 have been learning about their bodies in science. This week, we learnt about our ears and hearing. We have thought about how we hear and what it would be like if we couldn’t. We did this through learning a little bit of sign language, including the first letter of our names. Foundation have been exploring all about themselves in our provision inside and outside. They have been finger painting faces, mark making and using blocks to build.

Raffle tickets have gone home for our celebration on the 4th October. We are really looking forward to this and will begin making preparations for this in the next week!

Have a great week.

Foundation / Year 1 Team



Posted 20/09/2024
by Rebecca Hughes

Friday 9th September

Wow! What another wonderful week of learning we have had!

This week the children have learnt the sounds i/n/m/and d/ in phonics and have worked hard to continue holding their pencils correctly and write these letters daily.

We completed dough disco daily too as this helps strengthen the children’s hands so they can grip their pencils correctly.

This week the children worked in teams with Mrs Gregory and Mrs Lyden and sequenced the story of Were Going on a Bear Hunt! The children then started their first bit of formal English activity and sat with an adult to sequence the story themselves, they then thought of words to match the story and tried to write the initial sounds of that word! WOW!

In maths this week the children have been exploring the topic of Match, Sort and Compare! They have worked amazingly well at matching objects, sorting them and comparing them with lots of different resources. We even went out to the big playground and sorted items in big circles!

The foundation children have also used their cutting skills to cut parts of a bear out to make the Bear from our book, they have been making their homes from Lego, using natural resources to make faces, read books, made tracks for the bikes and so much more!

It's been a wonderful week of exploring and learning!

Have a lovely weekend

The Foundation Team 


Year 3/4   Week Beginning 16.9.24

Posted 18/09/2024
by Cathrine Pittas

In our Science lessons this week, Year 3 and 4 have been learning about digestion and the journey that food takes from being eaten to being a waste product of our body.

Photo of Elyza-Mae's work in (Y3)

We are planning and beginning to write our own stories about Stone Age Boy in English and are challenging ourself to use some of the skills we have learned in lessons independently in our writing. 

Quick note to all
Please can you sign the Arbor permissions as soon as possible.


Year 5   A perfect September week

Posted 18/09/2024
by Janine Waring

Wednesday 18th September 2024

A wonderful week again - we have been so lucky with the weather and the children have been enjoying their play and lunch times. It has been wonderful to see how much progress they are already making in their English this week and I am looking forward to seeing their final diary entries that we have been busy planning. We are working hard to ensure that we include apostrophes in our contractions, remember the capital I's and our fronted adverbials. They are looking wonderful so far.
In maths their times table rockstar scores have improved in just 10 days of doing our daily TTR and I am so proud of all the progress. It is important that all the children are able to embrace their successes and 1 mark more is fantastic. We have decided though that 59/60 is the worst score to get :-) We are still enjoying and learning well in our place value unit and we will sit our second arithmetic test of the year on Friday.
We have enjoyed another fitness circuit in PE today so it will be interesting if the children find walking down the stairs tricky like last week. We have talked about how as the unit progresses hopefully they will ache less as their fitness improves. We have begun looking at our history too and mapped the key countries for the start of World War 1. They should all be able to tell you the countries in the Triple Entente and Triple Alliance. 
Thank you for remebering PE kits but please ensure that it is alongside our school policy for PE uniform - no football strips. Blue/black bottoms and a white top please. Many thanks, Mrs Davies


Year 2/3   Wednesday 18th September

Posted 18/09/2024
by Rebecca Brewer

Wednesday 18th September

This week we have been continuing our place value unit in maths by partitioning numbers into 100's, 10's and 1's. We really enjoyed using the base ten practical resources to help us with our learning!

We are continuing our English unit "Little Red Riding Hood" and made a WANTED poster which offers a high reward if you find the wolf!  Have you seen him?

The children were very excited to begin their French lessons too.  They learned all about France and the countries that also speak French!  They learned about the Eiffel Tower too!

In art, the children learned that the primary colours are yellow, red and blue and that secondary colours can be mixed using them.  We had a practise mixing in our books - look how we did!

In science, Year Two sorted statements into "want" and "need (shown) and Year Three read food labels on the back of food to note whether they are healthy choices or not!  They also suggested alternatives that we could eat instead!


Year 6  

Posted 18/09/2024
by Nicholas Bowden

Artefacts to support our writing

We have been looking at some artefacts that give more of an insight into the lives of evacuees to support us with our diary entries linked to the fantastic book, Letters from the Lighthouse.

Alongside our writing projects, we have been exploring the first world war and the events that acted as a catalyst. We explored the different alliances of the time and also looked into the tensions that were forming in the lead up.


Year 2  

Posted 17/09/2024
by Rebecca Marshall

Autumn 2 Week 2:

It has been another fabulous week and the children have produced some wonderful writing in English during our Little Red Riding Hood unit of work. They have been looking at describing a character's appearance and personality and they have then applied these skills to writing a WANTED poster for the Big Bad Wolf.

In PSHE we have been exploring classroom rules and how those can help us to feel safe around school. The children have also been talking about what makes them feel a sense of belonging. This is something that we feel is really important in our class and in the whole school. Another very important skill that we have been focusing on is mutual respect. We have spoken about how this can help us all to feel safe and also how this can help us feel like we belong. 

We are just about to start our fabulous History topic all about how schools have changed over the years. We will be looking at how Looe Primary Academy has changed as well as learning all about school life for Victorian Children. If you have any older family members who would be willing to come in and talk about their memories of school then please do let us know. It is always lovely for the children to hear about people's personal experiences. 

This week Reuben and Katie were chosen to be our stars of the week:


Foundation/Y1   Autumn 1, Week 2: A busy week!

Posted 17/09/2024
by Jasmine Bolger

A busy week! 

We have been very busy in week 2! We have started our English learning journey and it is based around the Michael Rosen book, We are Going on a Bear Hunt. We have been loving learning the story and the actions to go along with it. Year 1 children have started writing captions and adding labels to a picture of the bear, and Foundation children have been making puppets to practise their role play skills and start to retell the story.

We have started our Music learning and have been trying to find the steady beat in a song. We have done this through clapping, stomping our feet and tapping our heads. In Geography, Year 1 have been thinking about the different seasons. This week, we thought about the appropriate clothes for each season. We did agree that it is quite warm outside for Autumn!

We have also been doing some outdoor learning linked in with our question ‘Who am I?’ We have been building houses out of bricks and using natural materials to make portraits.

We have loved exploring and learning. I look forward to seeing what we get up to next week!

Foundation/ Year 1 Team


Year 4/5  

Posted 16/09/2024
by Holly Strickland

A Wonderful Week For Class 4|5

Wow what a great start to the Autumn term! Last week, the children showed great determination in maths, especially when looking at large numbers as part of our place value topic and they have enjoyed developing their skills for characterisation in English. In the wider curriculum, they have been developing their footwork for Football, worked on rhythm in music and played the role of hunter gatherers from the Stone Age in an outdoor learning task. We also welcomed our first class pets for the year - some cute caterpillars! 

Please see below for a few general updates and reminders:

  • Our PE days are Monday and Friday.
  • We are working on our times tables retrieval so please encourage the children to participate in our TTRS class battle set for the next few weeks.
  • Can I also ask, if you haven't already, that consents are given for this year on Arbor. This would be great so I can begin sharing some pictures of the children's learning.


Year 6  

Posted 15/09/2024
by Nicholas Bowden

Codes and cryptic clues in Computing

As part of our computing work over this term, we will be looking at the work that happened at Bletchley Park during the second world war including the deciphering of cryptic codes and the work of Alan Turing to help to decode the opposition force's messages.

The first lesson this week, was focused on famous codes including the Pig Pen Code, which is pictured. The children have enjoyed getting to grips with these codes as well as showing the ability to crack the codes themselves! 


Head's Blog   Working hard to show mutual respect

Posted 15/09/2024
by Janine Waring

We started our new academic year by remembering the important British Value of respect.  We are so very polite and respectful to each other throughout the day at school, but do we really value and understand respect as the British Value of Mutual Respect and how this affects everything we do; not just open doors for each other, saying thank you and generally being polite?  

We came up with so many examples of mutual respect in action at school and in our community.  Some of the things we thought about were how we respect each other when adults are not looking, showing kindness, helping each other, disagreeing in a friendly and polite way, respecting the feelings of others, looking after things and animals, following the school rules etc.  We had so much to talk about and we are now working on some sentences that we can display around the school to remind us that mutual respect is such an important value and one that can help us to have safe and happy lives.

We can't wait to see what we come up with!



Posted 13/09/2024
by Rebecca Hughes

Friday 13th September

We have reached the end of our first full week in school, and it has been a very busy one! The children are all tired, but because they have had so much fun exploring!

Some of this weeks learning has included:

Learning phonemes s/a/t/and p. We have also practiced holding our pencils with a tripod grip and learning to write these sounds! All the children have worked so hard! The phonics sheets have been sent home via email today! 

We have been making our hands and fingers strong by completing doh disco activities, threading, making small peg patterns and using scissors to make wonderful creations!

This week the children started to explore the story Were Goin on a Bear Hunt. They listened to the story and recited the tory so well. They went on a bear  hunt around our outside area using lost of different words. We then learnt the story using a story map and made-up actions to imbed our knowledge of the story. Next week we explore sequencing a story.

In maths this week we have been exploring counting to 5. The children have been helping ‘Bruno’ our puppet to count, match and make numbers to 5!

We have also made ourselves from playdough, explored building blocks and Lego, made sandcastles, practiced our name writing, riding the balance bikes and SO MUCH MORE!

We really have had the best week.

Have a lovely weekend

The Foundation Team 


Year 4/5  

Posted 11/09/2024
by Holly Strickland

Take a look at our KIRF's (Key Instant Recall Facts) for Maths

This term, we are introducing some new language. Key Instant Recall Facts look at the fundamental skills needed for maths and include number bonds and times tables. They are being introduced to the children and Mrs Davies (our math's lead) will be emailing this week to give you all a little bit more detail on how you can help at home. Please see below for the Year 4 and Year 5 KIRF's.


Year 2   Autumn 1 Week 1: Welcome Back!

Posted 11/09/2024
by Heather Carr

Welcome Back

Well done to all of our lovely learners in Year 2 for a fabulous first week back!

We have been very busy learning the story of Little Red Riding Hood, by acting out the story and making our own story maps. Can you have a go at retelling the story at home?

In maths, we have started to learn about place value. We are looking at two-digit numbers and have been making these numbers with practical resources, by counting the tens and counting the ones.

We have learned about colour in art this week. We have been experimenting with mixing two primary colours together to make a secondary colour. We then used black and white to make our colours lighter or darker. Can you remember all of the primary and secondary colours?

Some updates:

Our P.E. days are Tuesdays and Wednesdays this term.

Books will be changed and sent home on a Friday.

Keep up the great work, Year 2!

Mrs Marshall, Mrs Carr and Mrs Coombe


Year 3/4  

Posted 11/09/2024
by Cathrine Pittas

We all belong and we all have a role

In our PSHE lesson this week, we have been considering all of the different roles that make up our school.  Everyone has a part to play and we had good fun acting out the different job descriptions of all the roles we see in our school. We wrote job descriptions for music teachers, teaching assistants, meal time assistants and even the head teacher. After last week's lesson, we now realise that our attitudes and actions really do make a difference to how our class works. We all have a part to play and we can all contribute to making our school a meaningful and fun place to be.

In PE, we experienced our first hockey lesson. EVERYONE managed to master the basic skills involved with holding the stick and dribbling the ball. The children had fun working together to improve.


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