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Year 1   A great day at The Eden Project!

Posted 25/03/2024
by Jasmine Bolger

Year 1's day at The Eden Project!

We had a great day at The Eden Project today. We started our day with a talk where we learnt about all the things we use plants for. Year 1 were brilliant at showing their knowledge of plants from our science lessons here!

We then had a workshop called ‘Building Brazil.’ We had to think about how we would build a suitable house for the amazon rainforest. To do this, we explored the rainforest biome and collected ideas about how to make it waterproof and what the best materials would be. We then came back and had a go at building models of our houses. Year 1 were very excited to share what they know about Brazil already and we learnt some more interesting facts.

We then finished our day by linking to our big question ‘what’s it like to be an explorer?’ and did our own exploring of the Mediterranean biome! Year 1 were absolutely brilliant and it has been a lovely opportunity to consolidate everything we have learnt this term in a fun and exciting way.

Well done year 1!



Posted 22/03/2024
by Rebecca Hughes

Week 5 

The children have had another wonderful week in Foundation/Year1 this week!

Can you believe we only have 3 ½ days to go until the Easter holidays!

This week the year ones have finished off some place value to 50 lessons and have been exploring partitioning larger numbers and also finding larger numbers on a number line. The year ones have then spent time being assessed on their maths knowledge. They all worked so hard, and the adults are very impressed!

In English the year ones have also been showing the adults what they can achieve by completing English assessments. The children tried so hard, even when it was quite tricky!

This week all the children have enjoyed exploring dinosaurs. We started the week with discovering dinosaur eggs. We then used vinegar ad pipets to hatch the dinosaurs form the eggs1 This was great fun! We have also been palaeontologists and used brushes to carefully uncover the fossils in the sandpit. We have also been using crayons to make rubbings of dinosaurs. We have explored dinosaur books and made dinosaurs from 2d shapes and Lego! We also drew dinosaurs, coloured them and SO MUCH MORE!

We have had a great week! Next week we will be exploring the Eden project and Easter!

We have definitely been great exploders this half term and I think the children can answer our big question: What’s it like to be an Explorer?

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend

Foundation /year 1 team.





Head's Blog   Bridge Schools Trust Alternative Sports Day

Posted 21/03/2024
by Janine Waring

We had the most fantastic day at Looe Primary today.  We hosted an Alternative Sports Day for all of our Trust schools.  We had nearly 80 children attend the day and a range of exciting activities were delivered by Kernow Sports and Leisure who work with the children at Looe every week.  The children participated in mini segway, ultimate frisbee, street surfing and fencing which they enjoyed very much.  The street surfing was very hard, but they enjoyed it a lot!  It was great too because they could not really succeed without the help of a partner. The day ended with a large dodgeball competition.  All of the children represented their schools fantastically well, and both behaviour and engagement were excellent.  Well done to Wadebridge, Blisland and Trenode, who won 1st, 2nd and 3rd places for scoring the most points for their overall skill, technique and application in each event.  We are very much hoping that this can become an annual event.



Posted 15/03/2024
by Rebecca Hughes

Week 4 

What a wonderful week of learning we have had in foundation/year 1!

On Monday we started the week exploring Eid, we learnt about how Muslims celebrate Eid. We learnt about the yummy food and celebrations that take place and how some Muslim people fast. We learnt about the importance of praying to God for Muslim people. One of our pupils shared his experience of Eid and what it means to him.

It has also been Science week . We started Science week by cutting up three apples, we wanted to see what happened to natural things over time! We placed one apple in a pot with nothing else, one in oil and one in vinegar! WE predicted what might happen... we surprised today to find the part of the apple that was submerged in oil was REALLY brown and mushy! We loved also exploring other scientific experiments! 

In English this week the foundation and year 1 children have continued to use their skills and phonic knowledge to write their planned stories. The children have been given lots of time because they were so enthusiastic about finishing the story. They have all worked so hard with some amazing results!

In maths the foundation children have been working hard with numbers 8, 9 and 10. They have been recognising these numbers, sorting these numbers, and comparing them. They have been subitising and exploring the composition of these numbers.

The year 1 ‘s have been exploring place value to 50! This has been quite tricky, and we have been learning our ten times tables to help us. They have been exploring groups of tens and ‘some ‘  more like 43 being 4 groups of ten and 3 more.

In PSHE this week the children explored medicine sand how to be safe around them and what medicines do for us. In PE the children continued to perform their Arctic dance and ball skills with Ryan.

In Phonics all the children have been working so well in their groups. The children really are progressing very well.

The children have also been exploring spring; they have made daffodils, used play-dough to make plants, they have used funky fingers to complete spring pictures and sop much more!

Today was Red Nose Day and the children looked fab! Thank you for any donations!

Have a great weekend

Foundation /year 1 team.






Posted 08/03/2024
by Rebecca Hughes

Week 3 

In English this week all the children imitated the Lost and Found story. The foundation children have been working hard to write captions and sentences to match the imitated story and the year ones have been writing the story inm full. The year ones then planned their own story ready to write next week.

In maths the year one children have been completing post and pre assessments at the end of one unit and ready to start a new one: Place value to 50. The foundation children have been exploring height and time.

The children have enjoyed dressing up as their favourite characters this week and in pyjamas! They also made lovely bookmarks and explored lots of different books!

IN PSHE all the children have continued how to stay healthy, and this week explored what to do when we have a cold and how to prevent the spread of germs! Mrs Lydon needed the children’s help when blowing her nose and washing her hands eeewwww! Thank goodness the children were there to support her!!

St Piran's day was amazing and we loved having all the parents in school for some great activities in the afternoon! The singing outside was just lovely and the children enjoyed learning about what St Piran's day means in Cornwall. 

On Friday we were lucky enough to have Martin, a community visitor, come into school and tell us all about Antarctica as he was stationed there for a long time. Martin told us all about Antarctica and the children told Martin all they knew about Robert Falcon Scott.

We have had a wonderful week in class full of exciting learning.

Have a great weekend

Foundation /year 1 team.





Year 3/4  

Posted 01/03/2024
by Cathrine Pittas

This week, Year 4 have had a great time enhancing their history learning. They took a trip to 'The Box' in Plymouth and combined looking around the museum with a fantastic workshop where they became assistant curators. They were able to handle authentic objects from the Ancient Egyptian period and learn how to look at them and document them accurately. Each group also created a final display of their items and showed the rest of the class what they had accomplished on a mini tour. Back in class, the children have completed a secret mission to help prepare a special person for the after life. Let's just say canopic jars were used... shhhhh!

Thank you to everyone who has managed to book Parent Teacher appointment so far.  I have updated the list and will add it to the door in time for Monday.  Just 9 spaces left!



Posted 01/03/2024
by Rebecca Hughes

Week 2 

Another fab week of learning has taken place in Foundation/Year 1!

In English this week we have started to explore a new story called Lost and Found.

This book fits wonderfully with our current polar theme as it is about a little boy who discovers a penguin at his door and wants to return him to the South Pole. The children have explored the story by watching the movie as a wow moment and then exploring the book and story map in detail. They then worked in teams to sequence the story using pictures. The year one children used time connectives to join the pictures and the foundation children used their phonic knowledge to write key words to match the pictures. The year ones then used the pictures and time connectives to write sentences.

In maths this week the year ones have been exploring subtraction and difference. They have worked really hard and used lots of resources to help them solve some tricky questions. The foundation children have been exploring length, they have been making chains and then ordering in order of length. Yesterday the foundation children had lots of different ribbon to sort, and they ordered these in length sizes too. Today they started to explore height and built towers- whose was tallest?

The year ones have also continued to explore parts of plants and trees in science, they learnt about David and Goliath in RE and discussed being brave, then wrote when they believed they have been brave recently. In PSHE all the children have been remembering how to stay healthy and writing their knowledge down. In History the year ones continued to discover more facts about Robert Falcon Scott’s journey to the South Pole.

The foundation children have been working as a team to collage a polar scene (its wonderful), they have been using hexagon links to make igloos, they have explored the frozen arctic animals and figured out how to set them free, They have been using their observational skills to paint some polar pictures using watercolours, and so much more!

Next week we will continue to be explorers but explore the world of plants!

What a wonderful week!

Have a great weekend

Foundation /year 1 team.




Posted 23/02/2024
by Rebecca Hughes

Spring 2 - Week 1 

Well, what a wonderful first week back at school we have had! Spring 2 has started with such enthusiasm for the children.

Our big question for this half term is: What’s it like to be an explorer? We have been exploring Polar regions and the explorer Robert Scott.

This week in English the children have been exploring acrostic poems. We explored a poem with the focus words SOUTH POLE. We read this poem and explored the features of an acrostic poem. We learnt actions to help us recall the poem.

We then thought of our own acrostic poem (HUGO) and explored lots of different acrostic poems. The children then explored lots of different adjectives linked to polar regions and wrote planned and write their own acrostic poem with the focus word ARCTIC.

In maths year ones have been exploring doubles, near doubles and subtraction facts using their number bond knowledge.

The foundation children have also been exploring doubles and combining two groups.

In PE this week we have started dance and are exploring a penguin dance to fit our explorer topic.

The year 1’s have also been exploring Henri Matisse in art, Sukkah in RE and beginning to explore plants in Science. We have been super busy this week!

The foundation children have also enjoyed exploring all about Robert Scott, looking at polar region books, looking at polar animals and making arctic scenes. They have also enjoyed being explorer in our explorer role play area and so much more!

We have had a wonderful first week. 

Have a great weekend

Foundation /year 1 team.





Head's Blog   Helping to open the Looe Police Station Enquiry Office

Posted 22/02/2024
by Janine Waring

I was invited to attend the official opening of the Looe Police Station Enquiry Office and I was delighted to be able to take one of our Year 6 pupils with me.  We met Alison Hernandez who is the Police Crime Commissioner for Devon and Cornwall and the Acting Chief Constable, Jim Colwell as well as many of the police officers and local councillors and people who give their time and skills to make Looe the wonderful place that it is.  Our pupil was asked if she would like to cut the ribbon and she was delighted to be asked.  It is a very proud moment when one of our pupils is able to talk so well and enjoy the company of people who are important to our lives and who welcomed her as a very valued member of our community.  It was a lovely event!


Year 2/3   Spring Term in Year 3

Posted 10/02/2024
by Rebecca Marshall

During the Spring Term we have been exploring the History of Ancient Egypt. In English we have been rewriting the tale of the Egyptian Cinderella. We have been looking at the similarities and differences between this story and the traditional tale of Cinderella. It prompted some excellent discussions about how the main characters were treated and how this would have made them both feel.

In Art we have been finding out about Egyptian Hieroglyphs and using these special symbols to write our own names. We have also been using different materials to create portraits of Tutankhamun and have looked at patterns and colours when creating our own pharaohs designs. 

We went on a fabulous trip to the Box Museum in Plymouth where we were able to explore Ancient Egyptian artefacts and experience being curators.  


Year 2/3  

Posted 09/02/2024
by Rebecca Marshall

Children's Mental Health Week

During the final week of Spring 1, we have been taking part in Children's mental Health Week. It has been the focus of our whole school assembly this and also our PSHE lessons. We have had some very interesting discussions about how we can look after our mental health and wellbeing. The class chose from a variety of wonderful activities, they worked with each other and enjoyed reflecting on their emotions and feelings. 


Year 2/3  

Posted 09/02/2024
by Rebecca Marshall

NSPCC Rocks - Maths Day

On Friday 2nd February, the children had an amazing day taking part in the NSPCC Rocks Day. They came into school dressed as Rockstars and took part in lots of fun maths activities. We competed against children in Year 4 and 5 in a Times Table Competition on TT Rockstars and used our maths skills to play different times table games. The children also bought in a variety of games from home to play with their friends. It was a lovely way to raise money for the NSPCC and to have fun with maths. 



Posted 08/02/2024
by Rebecca Hughes

Week 5

Well, we have reached the end of yet another half term- and what a fantastic one it has been again! The children are progressing so well.

This week in English the year 1 children have been planning and writing a fact file . They have written facts all about pigs. The foundation children have been exploring parts of an owl and labelling them, writing captions about owls and using their phonic knowledge so well.

In maths the year ones have continued to explore addition within 20. The have worked hard to remember number bonds to solve tricky addition calculations. Foundation children have been exploring odd and even numbers and have mastered odd and even numbers to ten really well.

This week the children have also been reading tricky words, writing captions ad sentences, using their arts and craft knowledge to create beautiful pieces of art.

Today we had a Chinese New Year Day. All of our activities were based on Chinese New Year. We learnt lots of wonderful facts and explored wonderful; things about it. We were then super lucky to have a community Visitor, Eva, come into class. She told us all about Chinese New Year. She then showed us how to make Chinses lanterns and dancing dragons. To finish off Eva and her husband Kindy made us spring rolls to try – they were yummy! What a great day.

We have explored so much amazing learning this half term- we are ready to relax and refresh ready for next half terms jam packed learning adventures!

We wish you all a wonderful half term and look forward to seeing you all on Monday 19th February.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Foundation /year 1 team. 


Year 5  

Posted 08/02/2024
by Samantha Davies

What busy week!

We have thoroughly enjoyed our Mental Health and well-being week and have shared some of our activities with you. The theme was 'Your voice matters' and we have had some lovely discussions about what they feel, think and how they can make a difference. We also took part in safer internet day and really enjoyed thinking about what technology would bring us in the future and how we can keep ourselves safe.
This week we have also enjoyed learning the spike in volleyball and can not wait to put all our new found skills into some matches next term. Miss Cook and I wish you all a lovely half-term and will see you on Monday 19th February.


Head's Blog   Brilliant fundraisers

Posted 05/02/2024
by Janine Waring

We love to fundraise here at Looe Primary and when we can link it to learning we like it even more!  Before Christmas, we took part in the Children's Hospice South West Santa's on the Run Fun Run.  We were delighted to raise £444.10 on that day and it was such a good afternoon with an elf in attendance and also some snow to slow everyone down as they were running.  it was a lovely way to head into the festive period and thank you to all of the parents and family members who joined in too.  The hospice will use the money to continue to support children, young people and their families living with life-limiting health conditions. 

On Friday, we took part in the NSPCC Number Day.  This year it was linked to our multiplication app TTRockstars, so we invited staff and pupils to dress as rockstars for the day.  We had some of the most amazing outfits and I am sure you will agree, they all looked fantastic.  We think Mrs Davies should come to school dressed like that every day.  Thanks to Mrs Davies' organisation, we raised £140 on the day and the children were delighted.  This money will help the NSPCC to continue running their Speak Out, Stay Safe Programme.  The children spent the day applying their maths skills to every day situations.  

We always enjoy an opportunity to dress up and have fun and these events show just how good we have become.  Thank you to everyone for their support and donations to these worthy causes.

As this week is Children's Mental Health Week and Online Safety Day takes place tomorrow, 6th February, we will enjoy more opportunities to consider our own lives and the lives of others, both in school, locally and in the wider world. 



Posted 02/02/2024
by Rebecca Hughes

Week 4 

This week the children have been exploring animal fact files- we started the week off with a special visit from Hugo the pug. Mrs Gregory kindly brought him in for the children to learn lots of interesting facts about him. Mrs Gregory told us some fascinating facts and the children also asked some amazing questions!

The year ones then started to explore features of a fact file and plan one all about pigs. The foundation children read the story The Owl babies and then explored writing adjectives and started to explore the parts of an owl.

In maths this week the year ones have been assessed on their end of unit understanding of numbers within 20 and were then assessed before their next unit of addition and subtraction within 20. The children worked so hard. They have also been exploring adding from different numbers using number tracks, part -whole models and ten frames.

The foundation children have been exploring numbers 6, 7 and 8. They have recognising, making and matching these numbers really well.

Today we had NSPCC number day and we were maths rock stars! WE completed lots of different maths activities whilst raising money for the wonderful NSPCC cause.

We have had another full week of so much learning and fun!

Can I just also say a massive thank you so much for my kind birthday wishes , cards and gifts, I felt very special on my birthday!

Have a wonderful weekend.

Foundation /year 1 team. 


Year 1   The beginning of the spring term

Posted 01/02/2024
by Jasmine Bolger

Spring term 

We have begun the year with lots of exciting learning in year 1! Our big question this term has been 'are we the same as animals?' and we have really enjoyed our learning around this topic. 

In English, we had a very special visitor to launch our new English learning journey where we will be writing fact files. Mrs Gregory brought in her wonderful pug Hugo. The children loved meeting Hugo and came up with some brilliant questions. For example: "Why is Hugo's tongue so long?"

In Computing, we have been learning how to take good pictures. We have been thinking about keeping the camera really still and making sure everything is in the shot. We also drew some animals on the playground for us to practise taking pictures of. 

In PSHE, we have really focused on our teamwork skills. We have talked about how we work together well and practised this in different ways. One of our activities was to work together to make a paper chain rainbow and I think we did a fantastic job! 

Year 1 have kept up their fantastic attitude to learning and we are looking forward to what the rest of the spring term holds! 

Year 1 team


Year 2   Spring Term!

Posted 31/01/2024
by Rebecca Brewer

What does it mean to be an explorer?

This term, the children are learning all about significant explorers and their expeditions.  We will be learning about Ibn Battuta, Matthew Henson and the most famous, Neil Armstrong!

During our topic, we will also be learning about habitats.  We have already looked deeply into microhabitats and what animals need to survive.  

In English, our story is Jack in the Beanstalk that the children are enjoying!  In Maths, following on from our money unit we will now be completing multiplication!  This unit will last up until and beyond the half-term week!  The children now have logins for TT Rockstars so any practise on their 2's, 5's and 10 times tables will be much appreciated!!

Next half term, we plan to do a trip to the Sardine Factory and incorporate the features of Looe.  I will send out dates as soon as possible for this as we may require some parent helpers!  We are also going to have a "pretend expedition" however, I will let you know the details closer to the time!

Please can you ensure that your child brings in their reading records every day please as we read with the children all of the time and they may be missing points for their reading karate bands if the reading is not logged!

Many thanks for all of your support this term!

Mrs Brewer and team.


Year 5   Spring term 1

Posted 31/01/2024
by Samantha Davies

Spring term 1

Welcome to our new year. We are looking at Crime and Punishment this term and we had a wonderful trip to Bodmin Jail where we learnt so much about the crimes from Cornwall that resulted in hanging. The children have also enjoyed learning about the key punishments from the Roman times (check out the Roman curses) and were able to use their knowledge from our previous topic on the Tudors to support. 
In PE we have been enjoying learning how to play Volleyball - the dig, the serve and the set - and this week we began to bring them altogether. Our PE days are Wednesday and Friday and please ensure your children have the appropriate footwear please - trainers are needed. Many thanks for your support on this.
Weather - we have had some cold weather recently and are due more to come. The children need to be bringing in coats please.



Posted 26/01/2024
by Rebecca Hughes

Week 3 

The Children have worked so hard this week and have accomplished some amazing tasks.

This week the year one children have spent some time writing their innovated stories. They have really tried hard to use their phonic knowledge to write longer sentences that included adjectives and conjunctions. The foundation children have worked hard at looking at a picture from The Tiger Who Came to Tea, they then verbally used adjectives to describe the picture. Then using their phonic knowledge, they tried really hard to write small captions to match the picture. All the children have achieved amazing English work this week.

In maths the year one children have been exploring how to use a number line to 20. They have been using their number knowledge to identify missing numbers and have mastered estimating where numbers should be on a number line when a number line is blank. They then used the greater than, less than and equals to symbols to compare numbers within 20. The foundation children have been exploring measure this week. They have been exploring bucket scales and suing the bucket scales to weigh different objects. They started by trying to use objects to balance the scales. They then estimated what items would be heavier and lighter. They finished the week with measuring how many cubes heavy an object would be. All the children have achieved amazing maths this week!

The year one children have also explored capital cities in Geography and placed them on their UK maps from last week. They also explored aerial photographs and used key words to describe different characteristics of different countries. They have been exploring collages in art and have designed and created wonderful collages of our school value animals. In RE the children have continued to explore Judaism and this week learnt all about Hanukkah.

This week foundation children have also been writing CVC words and using their phonic skills and practicing their writing, They have been using their funky fingers to thread string to make amazing animals, they have used their amazing observational skills to look at pictures of different animal sand then draw and paint them. We have had some wonderful pictures. The children have completed so much more too!

Another wonderful week in Foundation/year 1!


We are delighted to be welcome Mrs Lydon to class from Monday. As you remember Mrs Podmore left in December and Mrs Waring as worked hard to find the right person to replace her and we are excited to welcome Mrs Lydon to the team.

Hugo the dog will be visiting on Monday to start our new English topic. Please refer to our previous email.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Foundation /year 1 team.





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