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Year 2/3  

Posted 05/06/2024
by Rebecca Marshall

Our visit to the Heritage Centre in Looe

On Monday 3rd June, the children had a wonderful time enjoying the town of Looe. We went for a long walk into Looe and visited the Heritage Centre. It was so interesting and we found out so many wonderful stories about Looe. My favourite story was the one where we told about Nelson the grey seal. 


Foundation   End of half term Maypole fun

Posted 29/05/2024
by Helen Hoskin

We were lucky enough to end our half term on a high with a dance around the maypole! Maypole dancing is an ancient tradition that would originally have taken place around a tree, with towns and villages enjoying themselves with revelry that celebrated fertility of the land and celebrated new life. Of course, to us, it was a fun way of using our gross motor skills and learning coordination and cooperation!

Thankyou to Mrs Gregory and to Mrs Williams for inviting us to join them!



Posted 23/05/2024
by Rebecca Hughes

Half term starts here! 

Wow, here we are at another half term! The time is flying by and we are so immensely proud of the children’s effort and progress so far. When we come back after the break, we will have one half term left before the summer holidays.

Summer 2 is a busy yet exciting half term! We will have lots of transition discussions and opportunities, we will have sports day and a class trip, plus lots more exciting learning!

This week the children have been working hard in English to write their letters to Mrs Waring asking if we can go to Looe beach for our school trip. Foundation children have been exploring different questions verbally and as a challenge writing a question, Year one children have been planning and writing their letters using lots of persuasive vocabulary. I’m sure once Mrs Waring has read the letters, she will allow us to go on our trip!

In maths this week year one children have continued to explore multiplication and division; they have been exploring arrays and also sharing equal groups. Foundation children have been continuing to count beyond ten and add more and taking away.

The children have also been using bats and balls to practise returning the ball to one another. They have also continued to explore relationships in PSHE and this week the children spoke about how they are incredible and how others are incredible too!

We have used our funky fingers to thread beads up to twenty, explored 3d shapes, thought about capacity using water, role played serving people in the café, read tricky words on a track outside and SO much more!

We have had a wonderful week and half term.

We wish you all a wonderful break and look forward to seeing all the children on Monday the 3rd of June. Gentle reminder that Friday the 7th June is an INSET day.

Foundation /year 1 team.



Year 2/3  

Posted 22/05/2024
by Rebecca Marshall

'Excellence' in Year 3

This week we have been looking for examples of excellence, this is one of our very important school values. We have seen 'excellence' during out TT Rockstars sessions and during PSHE where we were thinking about the things that make us feel happy. As it has been Mental Health week, the children were finding out about ways that we can look after ourselves in order that we can care for our own mental health and well-being.  


Year 2/3  

Posted 22/05/2024
by Rebecca Marshall

Trip to Plymouth University
Medical Workshops
Wednesday 22nd May

As part of the Children's University, the children in Year 3 were able to take part in an incredible day at the University of Plymouth. Our day started with an exciting adventure at Central Park, the children had a great time playing together before walking to the University.

We were able to look at so many of the sites on our walk and then we met up with a couple of student ambassadors who gave us a tour of the University campus. The children were shown the library, some of the university buildings and even an example of a students accommodation. It was such an inspirational visit and one which I hope will give many of the children a real desire to possibly go to university themselves one day.

During our workshops we were taught about:

  • Hand washing
  • Caring for our teeth
  • The function of the heart and how we can listen to the heart through a stethoscope
  • The human skeleton
  • Medical tools used to check reflex, hearing and also temperature



Head's Blog   A wonderful day as writers

Posted 21/05/2024
by Janine Waring

We were so excited today for so many reasons.  We have got Children's University back up and running at school.  This is an opportunity for children to log all of the additional activity that they take part in beyond the daily school timetable.  They have a 'passport' to record their activities and once they reach a certain number of entries in their passport they become 'graduates' and are invited to attend a graduation ceremony at Plymouth University.  This hopefully helps them to understand that universities and further education are accessible for all.

Today we were delighted to welcome David Lawrence Jones back to school.  David is a Chancellor at Plymouth University but he is also an author and has written a number of children's books, and has made an animated film.  David is a great friend to the school and he has written a new book about Cub, the Children's University Bear and the children had met Cub not long ago when the Children's University Ambassadors came to visit.  This time though Cub had been on his travels and the children were finding out all about his adventures.

The children then worked with David to write a new adventure for Cub as he travelled around Devon and Cornwall.  Cub went to Exeter, Home Park in Plymouth, the Eden Project,  The Box, Bodmin Jail and Land's End.  They worked hard and even managed to finish their story!  The story will arrive back in school soon, so we will be able to share it soon.  Cub was so impressed with the work of the children that he arrived to congratulate them.

There was just one thing wrong with today.  Our own housework bear had been on his travels around the world recently, but we thought he was back to stay.  However, we couldn't find him anywhere and we now think he may have been so excited about Cub's travels that he has gone on his own travels again.  There is a chance he may just be being a mischief maker and that he may be hiding in your house.  If you find him, can you please send him back - we miss him when he is not here!


Year 5  

Posted 21/05/2024
by Samantha Davies

Being creative with our learning

Over the last two weeks we have made some great Ancient Greek inspired pots - sadly our designs would not fit on but we enjoyed the learning how to slip and score and to use the coil method to create our pots.
We also began our science topic on the circulatory system by using our learning about hearts to create our own. The red is the oxygenated blood and the blue is the deoxygenated and then we labelled them. Great work Year 5/6 :-)


Foundation   Visits to Hillcrest Residential Home

Posted 15/05/2024
by Helen Hoskin

Every Thursday afternoon, we walk to Hillcrest Residential Home. We enjoy craft and singing activities together with the residents. This is the highlight of our week and the children are building multi generational relationships, and making links to our local community. This week was World Nurse Recognition week, so we made thankyou cards for the nurses at the home together.          


Year 2/3  

Posted 11/05/2024
by Rebecca Marshall

Dustbin Rounders Fun in the Sun
Friday 10th May

This afternoon we joined Year 4/5 for some Dustbin Rounders - the theme for our Physical Education during this half term is striking and fielding. We have been able to practice batting and fielding skills with a variety of balls and bats, it has been great to consider the best tactics to score the most runs for our team.


Year 2/3  

Posted 11/05/2024
by Rebecca Marshall

10th May 2024

As part of our science topic this half term, we have been learning about the growth of plants.

We have carried out an experiment to discover what conditions are needed to enable a seed to germinate and grow.

We placed our beans in a pot of soil and then put them into three different environments.

The beans that were put into the fridge did not grow at all !

The ones that were left to grow in a warm room were the most successful. We have planted our beans in the vegetable plot at school and each week we will be watching them grow. 



Posted 10/05/2024
by Rebecca Hughes

Week 4 

Foundation year 1 have achieved some amazing learning this week.

Both year groups have been sharing their writing skills Year 1 have been writing up their planned story and foundation children have been writing sentences from the story independently, following a story map! All the adults are so impressed!

The foundation children have been exploring odd ad even numbers and then began to explore numbers larger than 10. Year 1 children have been exploring times tables, 2’s and 10’s. They are amazing at their times tables….5 times table next week!

The sun has been out so lots of exploring has been happening outside, we have planted potatoes and we have cleaned our pond, we still have two newts living happily in the pond. We have chalked roads in and around Looe and rode the bikes around. We have drawn maps of our playground using a key. We have been continuing our wonderful PE lessons and we have been making Cornish flags to go with our Union Jack flags and St Georges flag! And so much more!!

Have a wonderful sunny weekend!

Foundation /year 1 team.





Year 1   A busy week in Year 1

Posted 10/05/2024
by Jasmine Bolger

A busy week in Year 1 

We have had a busy week here in year 1. 

In maths, we have started our new unit of multiplication and division. We have started this off by counting in twos, which we have done through songs and grouping lots of different objects. We have also been counting in tens. We are great at singing our tens and moving our bodies to learn to count in 2s, 5s and 10s. 

In Geography, we have been using our geography skills to make our own maps of the playground. We have used a map key to draw our maps in chalk. We then used directional language such as near to, far from, left, right to describe where different things were located on the map. 

This week, we have also had a real focus on our love of reading. We were very lucky to have been given some new library books which have made a lovely addition to our book corner. We have also been enjoying having some quiet time in the classroom where we can get lost in a book! We have been doing lots of whole class reading where we can start to use our comprehension skills to delve into the texts even more! 

We are looking forward to another busy week next week. 

The Year 1 team 


Year 6  

Posted 06/05/2024
by Nicholas Bowden

Greek Gods and Goddesses

This week, we looked at the beliefs of the Ancient Greeks as part of our current topic about the Olympics. We researched the different Gods and Goddesses and then made them into Top Trump games by deciding their strengths and weaknesses.


Head's Blog   Staying safe in and around the water

Posted 06/05/2024
by Janine Waring

We were excited to say 'hello' to our RNLI lifeguard friends this week.  We know that we live in a beautiful place, but it is important that we remember how to stay safe in and around the water.  We learned and remembered that floating if you are in difficulty is the best way to stay alive if you are in difficulty, but we also heard how we can have a lot of fun as long as we remember where we are and play safely.  We got to wear the lifeguard helmets and understand all of the equipment that they use every day in their work.  A big thank you to the RNLI for helping us out.  I wonder how many of our children will become lifeguards in the future?



Posted 03/05/2024
by Rebecca Hughes

Week 3 

The children have worked hard in English this week to imitate the story of Mr Gumpy’s Outing. With a lot of imagination, the story became Mrs Gumpy’s Outing and the children thought of many different animals to fit the story. The year 1 children then spent time writing a part of the imitated story and the foundation children worked hard to draw and label a picture from the imitated story. The year 1’s have also planned a new version of the story and are getting ready to write their stores next week.

In Maths the year 1 children have been exploring volume and capacity. They have enjoyed filing jugs and cups and exploring the capacity of an object and the different volume of water they could put in the jugs!

The foundation children have been working on doubles this week and have learnt a brilliant rhyme to help them remember.

In PSHE this week the children explored different relationships. They looked at different pictures and tried to guess the relationship between the people in the picture and whether it looked kike a good or not so good relationship. The children then worked in groups and role played how they like to greet known adults and their peers. Look out for the new greetings on the door soon!

The children have been exploring so much learning this week and continue to make wonderful progress and try their best!

We hope you all have a great bank holiday weekend and we will see you all on Tuesday

Foundation /year 1 team.





Head's Blog   Alternative Sports Day

Posted 29/04/2024
by Janine Waring

It was the first time that we held our Alternative Sports Day and we were hoping for a good weather day; we were lucky!  It was so lovely to see so many parents taking part with their in all of the different activities we had to offer.  We had dance and fitness, cross-fit, foot golf, segway, archery, fencing, street-surfing relay racing, boccia and many more.  Although some parents took some persuading, we had so many join in and the atmosphere was wonderful.  A chance for a picnic on the field also went down well.

We also managed to raise over £100 for our chosen charity, 'Boundless Trust', who also joined us on the day along with many of our chosen sports providers and some community organisations.  We think we will be repeating the day as it was so successful.  Thank you to all those who gave their support.


Year 2/3  

Posted 26/04/2024
by Rebecca Marshall

Ancient Egyptian Showcase 
26th April 2024

It has been a fabulous start to the Summer Term, we had an excellent Ancient Egyptian Showcase last week. It was great to share with the families the work that the children had achieved in the Spring Term. The children performed some wonderful songs with Year 4 and 4/5 and then shared some of their learning with their families back in the classroom. We have been so proud of the knowledge that the children have retained and they have really shown a lot of enthusiasm and curiosity during this topic.



Posted 26/04/2024
by Rebecca Hughes

Week 2 

The children have had a wonderful second week of amazing learning!

In English this week the children started to explore the story of Mr Gumpy’s Outing. WE read the story and went on a little outing around school to see what we could see. We practiced the story lots by using our story map and we made up actions to remember it . We then worked as team to sequence the story- Miss Hughes tried and got it all wrong! BUT luckily the children helped her to sequence the story correctly! The year 1’s then sequenced it in their books and thought of fantastic time conjunctions to write alongside the pictures. The Foundation children also sequenced the story and they wrote key words next to the pictures to show their understanding! The year 1 children have also been writing sentences from the story using conjunction ‘and’.

In maths the year 1 children have spent this week exploring mass and volume , they have used bucket scales and they have been using ambitious vocabulary such as  balance, mass, heavier, lighter. They have found out the mass of objects in cubes and also compared the mass of different objects.

The Foundation children have been exploring the composition of 10 , they have continued to use their number bond to 10 knowledge to help them explore the number 10 in detail.

In PE the children have continued to explore throwing with our coach Ryan and have enjoyed building skills to play quick cricket.

IN PSHE the children are all exploring relationships, this week we had lots of great discussion about what makes a caring friend. The children in this class are so thoughtful and kind and really contributed well with this lesson.

IN Geography the year 1’s have been exploring physical features of Looe! Yesterday they explored a map of Looe and worked well to identify physical features , they then looked at a picture of Looe and showed their knowledge by labeling all the physical features they could see!

The foundation children have been building Looe out of Lego, riding the balance bikes around a chalked Looe track, drawing their favourite things they like to do in Looe and so much more!

On Tuesday we celebrated St Georges day and all of our activities were based around St George . The children loved exploring the story and a great discussion happened about whether we think St George really killed a dragon or whether he was known for being  a great person that protected his village!

What a wonderful week

Have a lovely weekend

Foundation /year 1 team. 


Year 3/4  

Posted 26/04/2024
by Cathrine Pittas

This week Year 4 have been fulfilling the PE curriculum by taking swimming lessons. They have had an amazing time each afternoon.

They have shown great determination and resilience as they have all endeavoured to improve themselves. It has been fantastic to see so many children progress and everyone can be pleased and proud of themselves.

It was so good to see parents come to our sporting event last Friday.  Thank you so much for the continued support you have for the children.  So many of the children have said how much they appreciated doing sports they had never tried before. 

Have a well-earned rest over the weekend everyone.

Miss Pittas


Year 1   Week 2

Posted 26/04/2024
by Jasmine Bolger

Week 2 

Year 1 have been very busy in the last couple of weeks! Last Friday we had an alternative sports day at school. We took part in activities such as Segway, athletics, fencing, archery, football and more! The children absolutely loved it and it was brilliant to see them trying new things and giving it their all.

We have been designing our rockets in computing ready for when we make our own. We have been using sketchpad to do this and we have talked about the importance of saving our work. We also talked about why it is really important to save our work in the right place so that we can find it again. We are really looking forward to our designs coming to life in a few weeks time!
In English, we have started our new learning journey based around the book ‘Mr Gumpy’s Outing.’ To launch our English learning journey we went on our own outing around the school to see what we might find.
In maths, our unit is all about length and height. We investigated the question ' do taller people have bigger feet?' We really enjoyed measuring our feet and sharing our findings.

It has been a great week here in Year 1.

As always any questions do not hesitate to contact. 

Miss Bolger 


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